Why Is #DylanWasFramed Trending on Twitter? The Grim Hashtag Meaning Revealed

Updated June 10 2020, 2:09 p.m. ET

While social media can be used to connect with people, share one's thoughts and opinions, and shed light on topics that warrant the world's attention, sometimes the trending searches are a bit questionable. Recently, users noticed and questioned why the hashtag #DylanWasFramed was trending on Twitter.
So, who is Dylan? Here's what you need to know about the disturbing hashtag.
Who is Dylan from the trending Twitter hashtag #DylanWasFramed?
The hashtag reportedly refers to the late teen Dylan Bennet Klebold, who is known as one of the mass shooters of Columbine High School. Klebold along with friend Eric David Harris went into their Colorado high school on April 20, 1999, and killed 13 people and wounded 24.

People took to Twitter to initially question what "Dylan" the hashtag was referencing. One user broke down the meaning in a thread, writing, "So i realized some people don’t know what the hashtag #dylanwasframed is referring to so here’s a nice little thread on Dylan Klebold, Columbine, and the hashtag."
The user explained that the two teens shot their classmates and teachers before turning the gun on themselves.
"The motive was ruled out as inconclusive but this was planned out beforehand by both boys," the individual wrote. "Kelbold’s mom found tapes in the basement of her home a long with journal entries by her son. These tapes she found contained both Harris and Kelbold. A journal found in Harris's bedroom contained almost every detail that the boys planned to follow."
Following the tragic day, copycat killings sparked over the years with police citing Columbine as influencing future school mass shootings.
So, why is this hashtag trending today?
Why is #DylanWasFramed trending? Twitter reacts to the grim hashtag.
According to this lengthy Twitter thread, "The hashtag was started to spread the idea that Klebold was framed and did not participate in the shootings." When social media users found out the meaning behind the hashtag, individuals immediately responded with their thoughts.

"#dylanwasframed Y'all really stan serial killers?" one person questioned. Another wrote, "#dylanwasframed i am disgusted. y’all need to go back to tumblr where your delusional asses belong."
This individual tweeted, "#dylanwasframed I thought this was about an important Dylan like @dylansprouse ... but y'all stanning serial killers that have been dead for 20 years instead."
Another user shared a security picture from that tragic day at Columbine High School with Klebold seen holding a gun. "There's more I can put, but I feel disgusted just knowing people don't believe he's guilty despite him being on camera with a gun, and many survivor's accounts identifying him. [Klebold] and [Harris] are both rotting in hell. #dylanwasframed," the person wrote.
The devastating aftermath of Columbine continues to leave its everlasting mark on America.