Woman With Felony Record Says Edible Arrangements Is the Only Company That Would Hire Her

Published May 12 2023, 1:18 p.m. ET
For our money, Edible Arrangements is the place to go for all the holidays that feel forced or contrived. Did you forget about Valentine's Day? Order an Edible Arrangement. Did Mother's Day sneak up on you again? It's time for fun food. Oh no, Arbor Day feels like it came early this year. What better way to celebrate trees than with a strawberry doused in chocolate? Here's the thing: Edible Arrangements are good, and we aren't just talking about the fare.
It turns out the company itself is fair. A woman on TikTok posted that Edible Arrangements was the only company that would hire her because of a felony on her record. The company's willingness to hire someone with a record means Edible Arrangements is likely a decent organization. Here's how it's going.

This woman was hired by Edible Arrangements despite having a felony on her record.
This worker thanks Edible Arrangements for hiring her despite the felony on her record.
The video is short, but the message is clear. TikTok user @allesandria_ was feeling the love when she shouted out Edible Arrangements as the only company that would hire her in this TikTok. She has a felony on her record and hasn't gone into detail about it as of the time of this writing.
Speaking of love, the comments section could not be more supportive. "Love that for them and you," wrote one user. Another chimed in with, "Edible Arrangements was the most insane best job i’ve ever had."
And before anyone thinks Allesandria is being flippant about her criminal history, she seems to take it seriously. When someone commented "You seem cool, so it makes sense," Allesandria replied with, "Felonies aren't cool, but I am."
There were a ton of comments about other companies that hire felons.
In a surprising twist, the comments section became a great resource for anyone with a felony who needs work. The following organizations were mentioned in the replies: Panera, Chili's, Applebees, Target, Red Lobster, Subway, Dunkin' Donuts, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Starbucks. Also, the Felony Record Hub website is an incredible resource for anyone with a criminal record. While Edible Arrangements is not listed, the anecdotal evidence cannot be denied.
In a follow-up TikTok, Allesandria said her first day at work was going well. "Walked in, they were playing Deftones," she said in a caption over the video. Evidently she's a huge fan, as noted by the Deftones tattoo featured prominently in a previous TikTok. Although she is clearly excited, there was a bit of a rough start to her day.
"Girl, today I went for my first day and cried and broke down in the restroom I can'tttttt," replied one person in the comments section, to which Allesandria wrote in reply: "I threw up before and after work due to anxiety and no weed."
When asked for updates in the comments, Allesandria said the job is pretty easy but standing a lot can be painful.
What kind of worker is someone with a felony on their record?
Devah Pager, a sociologist at Harvard, spoke with NPR about what kind of workers felons are. According to her, "something like 8 percent of the working age population in this country has a felony conviction. So this is a fairly common status." She used the military as a sample, and looked into the records of more than a million service members who had enlisted between 2002 and 2009. What she found was interesting.

Of the records she pulled, Devah found 5,000 people with felonies. At this point, she devised two ways to test the data. Initially, she looked at who finished their service and who was kicked out. "On average, those with felony waivers are no more likely to get kicked out," said Devah. She also took note of who was promoted. Evidently, "those with felony-level waivers are promoted faster and to higher levels than those without waivers."
Well, there you have it. You can't judge a book by its criminal record. Hopefully Allesandria will move up the ranks in the Edible Arrangements world. We'll be on the lookout for a Deftones-themed bouquet of chocolate-covered fruit.