Texas Restaurant Posts Hilariously Relatable Signs About Life in 2020

Updated Aug. 6 2020, 3:56 p.m. ET
El Arroyo is a Tex-Mex restaurant in Austin, Texas, and they, like everyone else, are just trying to get through 2020 intact. One way they've hoped (and helped others cope too) is by using the giant sign outside the restaurant to share jokes and musings about the current state of the world. They're hilarious, way too relatable, and they'll make you feel a little less alone in this pandemic craziness. Here are some of our favorites from their Instagram account.
There wasn't enough room, but the rest of the mask should read, "Wear a mask either way." Mask up, people! It's the only way through this!
Remember murder hornets?!?! That was also this year. But unfortunately, the murder hornets did not forget themselves. They're still being found (and dealt with) in Washington state.
When you're home all the time, you're either working at your computer, consuming media on a television, or talking to other people through...your computer screen. It can be hard to keep all of those straight.
Oof, this is too real. Stress, isolation, and mandates to stay home have not been good for many of our waistlines. Luckily, that means absolutely nothing, and I hope we all get fat and happy and comfy in our new jeans.
This is a serious one, though. I don't know what I would do without my dog. Cuddling and petting him calm me down like nothing else. I mean, my husband is fine too, but the dog is really the essential quarantine companion.
All those Instagram wives are suddenly silent about their "amazing hubbies" after five months of being forced to spend every waking minute together. We'll definitely be looking out for the divorce rate after the pandemic...
For anyone who has "resting b---h face" and often get told to "Smile!" by gross men, masks are a welcome respite. Though apparently having your face covered hasn't stopped cat callers.
This kind of sums it all up nicely, doesn't it? The only problem is that right now, we should be avoiding all people, positive and negative. Stay home, wear a mask, wash your hands!
Netflix and other streaming services should really just do away with recaps. No one's going anywhere. We've all already hit that "Continue watching" button three times. We know what's going on the show.
It's funny when people say, "After this" like everything's going to go back to normal. You heard it here first (or second, or third, I don't know your life): Even if we get a handle on COVID-19, even if we can go back to having huge multi-holiday parties, life will never be the same! Accept it now, people! I don't know about you, but I'll be wearing a mask in public, crowded places probably for the rest of my life!
For those who have never experienced the ultimate pleasure that is taking off your bra after a long day, I'm sorry, but masks don't come close. Sure, it's a relief for the bottom half of your face to re-enter the atmosphere, but nothing will compare to the visceral pleasure of releasing yourself from that strappy chest prison.
Tiger King happened in 2020. That is a fact, and yet, it seems so unbelievable. But it's true! All of it. The docu-series, the Carole Baskin speculation, the TiKTok dances and the memes. That was all this year.
Amen to this. But of course, because of the pandemic, now every day is for underdressing and overeating.
Get it?! Because we're all wearing masks in public! But you're not ugly with pretty eyes. You're pretty. All of you. Yes, you! I'm talking to you!
If this pandemic has taught us anything, it's that time is a flat circle and days and numbers mean nothing. We're just floating along, trying to get from one day to the next. Anyway, have a happy Mueswedthuriday.