Election Day Memes For Your Doomscrolling Pleasure
Here are some great memes to enjoy without having to wade into the pit of despair that is the internet today!

Updated Nov. 5 2024, 3:06 p.m. ET
Today's the day! Election Day 2024 is finally here, and if you're anything like us, you're feeling some mix of terrible-but-maybe-hopeful-but-definitely-stomachache-y. First thing first: Make sure you vote. Once you've done that, it's time to try to relax and practice some self-care. For some people, that might mean making some tea, listening to some tunes, and/or eating something nutritious.
For others, it means chowing down on leftover Halloween candy while trying to stave off a panic attack and maybe finding some funny memes to keep the anxiety at least a little bit at bay. If you happen to fall into that second camp, we've got your back. Here are some great memes to enjoy without having to wade into the pit of despair that is the internet today!
Red State, Blue State
This is also a great representation of what it looks like inside our brains right now.
Screen time.
No work is getting done today, right? We're all just constantly looking from our phones to the TV to the computer over and over again all day.
Time travel.
Can't believe nobody thought to try this before! Australia, help us out over here!
Just a little harder.
Yeah, maybe the results aren't in yet, or maybe you're actually just bad at the internet. Something else to worry about!
Realistically, we'll probably be waiting a while before we get the final Election Day results. But that's not gonna stop us from checking our phones every couple of minutes. Just in case!
Elmo has your back.
Hello yes, this did in fact make us tear up just a little bit. But it's fine, we're all fine. Channeling our inner Mr. Rogers right now.
Tired, hungry, worried, excited, nauseous. That just about sums it up!
What a week!
Seems impossible that Election Day is simultaneously on a Tuesday and also at the end of a very long week that actually feels like a year, but there you have it.
Airport rules!
Bonus idea: Go to an actual airport and get a ticket to another country. You know. Just in case.
Poor Planning.
This is all officially Too Much. Let's start a petition to spread things out just a little bit. And maybe move Christmas earlier to give us some cheer.
These politicians are so obsessed with texting us. Don't they have something else to do? Like ... try to win an election?
We just have to worry about Election Day until we have the results (whenever that is) and then we can get right back to the good stuff.
We'd love to see it.
They made this man stand in a hurricane earlier this year! Give Anderson a break.
Business as usual.
To be fair, this isn't far off from how we feel on regular, non-Election Tuesdays. But the point stands.
Our queen.
If you missed the Ann Selzer excitement from earlier this week, she's the internet's newest hero. Did they know who she was on Sunday? No. But today is Tuesday. It's a whole new day.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Somehow, the elections keep getting more and more important. And we keep becoming hollower and hollower versions of our former selves.
The world is on fire and there's only so much you as one individual person can do. Hope that helps! *Resumes screaming into the void*
Do you hear the people sing?
That would obviously be pretty ominous, but at least you'd have some great bangers to enjoy as you rock back and forth in the fetal position.