Your Elf on the Shelf Is Ready to Say Goodbye — Are You?

Published Dec. 23 2020, 7:18 p.m. ET
As we near Christmas Eve, our little friends, the Elves on the Shelves, are hard at work preparing for the big day, which means it's about time for them to say goodbye and head to the North Pole to help Santa. While some families aren't big fans of the elf, for others, the Elf on the Shelf is a tradition that's hard to give up.
For some kids, the arrival of the elf from the North Pole means that the holiday season has officially begun. But, when he leaves, it can be even more exciting because they know that Santa's on his way next. With Christmas Eve nearly here, it's time for the elf to share his goodbye letter to the kiddos. But, what type of letter is right for 2020? Here are a few things to do — and not do.
Probably stir clear of direct COVID-19 mentions in the letter.
The elves with masks on that we've been seeing pop up online are super cute and timely, but maybe avoid directly referencing the virus in your goodbye letter. Kids are more intuitive than they get credit for, and they know that this year has been a strange and scary one. It's likely that they know that Christmas will be different this year. Maybe they can't see grandma and grandpa, or they don't understand why their aunts and uncles won't be popping in.
Predictability is something that is stabilizing in kids, but much of this year hasn't been predictable. Try not to make the Elf on the Shelf letter too different from other years. Let it be something that's a bit predictable for them, if you've already done Elf on the Shelf in years past.
Add a "Nice List" certificate to the letter.
If you have a sweet kid who thinks that taking a piece of chocolate without asking one time could land them on the Naughty List, let them know that they are indeed "nice" with a Nice List certificate, with the elf's stamp of approval. We love these editable certificates courtesy of MadiLovesKiwi on Etsy. Bonus: With this set, your little one can get a super secret sneak peek at Santa's official Nice List!
If you don't want to write your own letter, there's plenty out there to choose from!
Writing a letter runs the risk of your child asking the question, "Mom, why does the elf have your handwriting?" If your kid is a super sleuth, it might be best to have the elf print out a letter instead. If you appreciate a perfect Christmas aesthetic like we do, you'll love PixelPerfectionParty's adorable and editable letters.
The beauty of these letters is that you can buy it one year and then switch up the writing a little bit every year, while keeping the same format and leaderhead. It'll save you some time, while making sure your little one is none the wiser.