Elyse Myers and Her Husband Met in a "Meat" Cute — His Name Is Jonas

Published Feb. 1 2024, 1:36 p.m. ET

TikTokers have named Elyse Myers as “the internet’s best friend,” and now it’s time for us to be her best friends. She announced on Jan. 30, 2024, that her infant son has to undergo heart surgery due to a hole in his heart. Now, everyone is rushing to her TikTok page to send their support and in doing so, we all want to learn more about her actual support system.
Elyse has charmed the internet with her vulnerability, quirky timing, beautiful singing voice, and relatable videos. She also hosts the podcast, Funny ‘Cuz It’s True and shares snippets of her various interests, including her family. But who is Elyse’s husband and who are their kids? Here’s a hint: her husband's name is Jonas.
Elyse Myers met her husband, Jonas Myers, at a meat counter in Australia.
Elyse and Jonas were both living in Australia when they met at a meat counter many years ago. She shared the story in a video with the caption, “The cutest, most amazing meet cute.” Or more like “meat cute”! They were at Coles in Bokem Hill shopping center in Sydney, Australia when they met.
“I was buying a pound of roast beef that I was planning on eating in one full sitting,” she said. “Along with about half a pound of cashews because cuisine. My husband was buying pasta salad. We were waiting for our food. We struck up an electric conversation. Sparks were flying everywhere. Unfortunately, I was with someone at the time, so that was all that was.”
“He was with a friend, I was with a friend,” she continued. “Our friends were talking. About 30 seconds later, they went their ways. Me and Jonas just continued talking. I found out later, his friend was like, ‘Jeez you should just marry her already.’ … He goes home, Facebook stalks me, and sees I’m in a relationship. Being the sweet sweet man that he is, he leaves it. He’s not shooting his shot with someone who’s in a relationship already. And I love him for it,” she says, distracted by love.
Luckily, Jonas bought her a plane ticket to Kansas and she met all his friends and family. Apparently, there was also an allergy scare and they “fell in love.” Elyse moved to Texas while Jonas moved to Omaha, so they were long-distance for a while until Elyse decided to make the big move and go to Omaha. The rest, as they say, is history!
Elyse and Jonas have two kids together.
Elyse and Jonas got married over six years ago on Jan. 6, 2018. They had their first son, August Myers, on Jan. 16, 2021. August is now 3 years old and a joyous little toddler! They love taking him on outings with friends, playing music together, and more, and now he’s a big brother! In September 2023, Elyse gave birth to their second child, Oliver.
While the Myers were loving their life as a nuclear family, they took Oliver to get his 4-month check-up and were faced with a tragic turn of events. Oliver has VSD, a type of hole in his heart between the ventricles that needs to be operated on for him to have a normal life going forward. Elyse shared the doctors are confident everything will turn out well for them and for Oliver, but we’re still thinking of them and sending good vibes their way.