Emma Chamberlain's Dream Coffee Date Is... (EXCLUSIVE)

Updated Feb. 10 2021, 10:27 a.m. ET

If you're familiar with the one and only Emma Chamberlain, you're most likely somewhat aware of her affinity for coffee. The YouTuber and fashion icon is always drinking coffee in her videos, whether she's brewing a cup at home with grounds from her namesake coffee company, or if she's grabbing iced almond milk lattes from her go-to spot in Los Angeles, Philz.
Distractify spoke with Emma exclusively over Zoom and — of course — a hefty glass of iced coffee, to discuss who she would invite on her dream coffee date, as well as the recent additions to her growing coffee empire.

Emma Chamberlain's dream coffee date would make for a truly incredible (and comfortable) caffeinated gathering.
After bonding over a cup of coffee, brewed from the 19-year-old YouTube star's very own coffee brand Chamberlain Coffee, Emma revealed who her dream coffee date would be — if she could take one person she knows and one celebrity.
"WOW, this is tough! I always try to answer these ones differently because I say the same person every time, but what’s the fun in that? Playing would you rather for me is a whole existential crisis, so give me like an hour. Um, OK... let’s see," she said, pondering for a bit.
"Definitely my dad because I grew up drinking coffee with my dad. And you know what? My mom too, I love being with both of my parents, so they would definitely be there."

Emma couldn't decide on just one famous person, though, so instead of a coffee "date," Emma's hypothetical outing evolved into a caffeinated party.
"...And definitely Andy Warhol, because his color choices and his overall aesthetic very much inspired our color palette for Chamberlain Coffee so I'd love to have him around! And maybe Paul McCartney, why not? And David Bowie. And Van Gogh. In Paris! That’s my answer! Done!" she exclaimed, proudly.
And Emma's dream coffee-drinking outfit?
Emma basically described our daily quarantine "lewk."
"Outfit, you say? It’s funny because there’s nothing I’d like to drink coffee in more than a very oversized matching sweatsuit. Like sweatpants, sweatshirts. Very large, very oversized, very loose. Very soft," she explained. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Emma just added a ton of new products to her coffee empire, and is loving every second of it.
After launching Chamberlain Coffee in 2019 with coffee steeping bags, Emma has expanded her brand to offer beans and grounds in various blends, including Early Bird, Night Owl, Careless Cat, and the Family Blend. She tells me her favorite parts of running the business have been learning, tasting, and branding.
"I love learning about things that I’m passionate about, and it’s just been so cool to learn more about the behind-the-scenes of everything that I love so much," Emma told us.
And as a dedicated coffee fan, it should come as no surprise that she absolutely loved selecting the flavors.
"It was me just taste-testing and finding different ones that I liked, and matching characters to them which was so organic, and it made so much sense. It was so easy to do that, it clicked immediately and we had so much fun with this," she added passionately. "I just honestly made five blends that you can’t go wrong with, and that’s huge. Everybody can find one that they like."

While the taste was important, she says that branding is absolutely vital.
"If I like the packaging, there’s a decent chance I’ll like what’s inside. Not always the case! But that’s usually how my mind works," she explained. "That's why I was like 'let’s make this packaging really inviting!' because it makes a big difference."
Coming up with the new logo for Chamberlain Coffee inspired the animal theme throughout her new line.
"... When we were brainstorming the new aesthetic and brand vision, there was a mock-up of a little drawing for the logo, and I was like, 'Oh my god, I’m obsessed with that,'" Emma shared. "But I didn’t want to choose just one animal, so I was like, 'Wait a minute, let’s like, have these different animals correlate with the different blends.'"
Thus, her new coffee was born, and they're going to be available in whole beans, grounds, and 10-packs of steeped bags on the Chamberlain Coffee website as of Sunday, Sept. 27.
Get ready for the caffeine rush of a lifetime, courtesy of Emma.