Woman's Complaint That Her Ex Didn't Do Her Laundry Right Doesn't Get the Reaction She Expected

Updated Jan. 24 2020, 2:13 p.m. ET

People have all sorts of relationships and arrangements with their exes, from complete estrangement to best pals. But this is the first case I've heard of a person agreeing to wash their ex's laundry. It's also the first time — and, I hope, the last — I've heard of someone griping on Facebook about the way their ex did their laundry.
Laundry is my most hated chore. Truly, one of the many things I love most about my husband is that he washes all our clothes and linens every week without fail and without complaint. While I hope we never break up and the thought devastates me for myriad reasons, I have to admit losing this perk is one of the bigger ones.

Even in the most amiable of breakup scenarios, I could never conceive of one in which my husband would wash my clothes while we were no longer legally wed and sharing a home. If by some miracle he agreed to do this hated chore for me post-split, I would fall on my knees to thank whatever higher power brought me such good luck.
This woman, however, does not seem to possess a similar capacity for gratitude.
In a rant shared to the "Choosing Beggars" subreddit, a woman complained that her ex, with whom she shares a child, did not fold the laundry she gave him to do. (Identities are hidden to protect the innocent and the guilty.)

"Now I have to still fold them before putting them up, so what good did it really do?" she complains. I don't know, ma'am, it seems it saved you a trip to the laundromat, which is no small thing.
And it isn't the first time her ex has done her this kindness, either.

"He did this several months ago when our child got scabies," she says. Her ex washed three bags of laundry that included their kid's clothes and hers. But rather than thank him for saving her the trip and quarters, she complained then as well.
"He claims he 'didn't' have time both time [sic]. He clearly just didn't want to put the effort in."
The thing is, even if that were so, why should he want to put the effort in? The man has his own household to keep, and any favor he pays her to make her housework easier is just that: a favor.
Clearly this woman's rant was meant to garner sympathy, but her followers on social media universally put her in her place.
"This is sooo dumb," wrote one. "Would you rather your kid have wrinkled clothes or dirty clothes? Be grateful and stfu." Another pointed out that, even though she didn't thank her ex the first time he did her laundry, he still did it a second time, even if not to her standards. "Maybe if you would've said thank you, he'd have folded them the next time. Maybe not. You should still be grateful."
The woman apparently later edited the post to baffling explain that the story she related didn't actually involve her but rather "someone very close to me," and she was just posting it to confirm that "not folding was really not a big deal."
Sure, Jan.
What seems far more likely is that, after being put in her place by virtually everyone on Facebook, she didn't want anybody thinking this was really her. So now they either will continue to think it's her or think she's the sort of person who passes other people's stories off as her own.
The internet really is full of some truly special people.