“Excessive” Airbnb Goes Viral After Guest Calls Out Ridiculous Rules on TikTok

Published Feb. 22 2023, 8:27 a.m. ET

After the litany of Airbnb horror stories that are circulating the internet, it's no surprise that there are a number of people who aren't exactly lining up to book accommodations with the application.
Remember the time guests booked a room and shortly after they arrived at the location they got messages from Airbnb telling them to flee the property without informing the host?
Or how about the time a woman had her room broken into and a bunch of her belongings stolen, including her computer and a ton of clothing and there was also evidence to suggest it was an inside job?
And then there are the numerous complaints from Airbnb customers who don't think booking on the application is "worth it" anymore.
And a big reason why people don't want to bother with Airbnb is because of the occasional negative interaction with a terrible host. Whether it's additional fees that render costs on the application to be greater than those of traditional hotel rooms, or a laundry list of rules, notes, and stipulations that make staying there a much greater pain in the butt than it needs to be.
Something that the TikTok account @AirbnbHorrorStory shared in a now-viral clip.
In the video, the guest shows off an alarming number of signs plastered all over the Airbnb rental. It doesn't look like the work of a person who is sane. Maybe the person behind the signs was just an individual who was never taught that putting up that much text on a property of do's and don'ts makes one look psychotic.

"This Airbnb like, this is just excessive, this is in Montauk, yo. Let me show y'all this." The Airbnb guest begins walking through the unit showing off various signs, including ones that read "No Smoking/ No Vaping."

Some of the requests seem entirely out of left field, like a sign posted right outside of the bathroom that asks guests to spray any types of colognes/perfumes/oils outside of the home.
That's right, you better not apply any scented lotion inside of the Airbnb, getting any of your errant smells trapped in the building.

The TikToker stepped inside of the bathroom to show off more of the ridiculous rules the property owner fully expects their guests to comply with along with other notes about the Airbnb. "Please help to conserve water. Hot water shuts off after 8 minutes," a sign on the glass shower door reads.

The TikToker was especially shocked that he was seeing such pedantry in Montauk of all places, a notoriously wealthy area of New York State and a prime summer beach destination.

He writes in a caption that while he did understand a couple of the signs, the others wanted to make him just pack his things and go: "No smoking. Okay. I get that. And maybe the toilet. I get weak pipes. But the rest are a little insane."

Viewers who saw his post were just as concerned as he was, with some speculating that there were indeed cameras hidden in the building as an owner who was so particular about the way their space is lived in is probably the policing type.

And then there were others who just couldn't understand why Airbnb hosts are seemingly so combative with their guests, pointing out that they are paying customers and these hosts aren't exactly doing them a favor by letting them stay there: it's the other way around.