Woman Uses an Extendable Fork to Snag Pasta From a Friend's Plate — What a Delicious Prank

Published Sept. 29 2023, 5:16 p.m. ET

It's nice to share!
I genuinely believe I'm a little strange when it comes to my food. When I was little, I would eat items off my plate in ascending order based on how much I liked them. For example if I was given chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli, I would start with the broccoli then move onto the chicken an end with the mashed potatoes because they're the best. I used to refer to myself as a pleasure delayer, always saving the best for last. It's fun feeling like you have to earn your meal!
I'm also weird about sharing because I'm a current only child who used to be a bit of a jerk. I also think I have a scarcity mindset and was always anxious about what my food was doing. That being said, I wasn't much for splitting meals or sharing appetizers. I could never do what Nina Seitz did in her TikTok, where she busted out an extendable fork to grab pasta off a friend's plate at a restaurant. What would you do if you saw a fork coming your way from the other side of a table? Run.

We're ready to fork over all our cash
I'll have what he's having.
Nina, who goes by @ninaeitz123 on TikTok, only has two videos on her account. Both are weird and wonderful in their own ways. It's clear Nina is a quirky girl and I always have room at my strange little table for a fellow weirdo.
Normally pranks make me anxious but I'm mostly referring to those of the Punk'd variety, which seemed to come from a place of cruelty. Ever since Ashton Kutcher (and Mila Kunis) wrote a letter to Danny Masterson's judge asking for lenience regarding his sentence, I now see why his show was more mean than funny.
What I like about Nina's extendable fork prank is it's goofy, and she really commits to the bit. In a delightful TikTok that I have already watched numerous times, Nina turns to the camera with an impish grin while pulling the aforementioned (aforkmentioned?) soon-to-be elongated utensil from her purse.
She can barely contain herself as she pulls it out, like a more useful Excalibur from the stone. Once the fork reaches its full length, Nina says to the man sitting across from her, "Let me just have a little bite of this."
If you told me this TikTok was directed by Amy Heckerling, I would believe it. Nina's comedic timing is impeccable. As the enormous fork finds it way to the other plate, we see that the gentleman behind it is speaking with someone.
The fork hits the spaghetti and once again, Nina's humor comes through as she begins to twirl it. I can barely twirl spaghetti around a normal sized fork, much less a comically huge one. It's masterful.
Suddenly the man stops speaking to the woman next to him, and looks down at the plate. Aspiring filmmakers, please take note of his eyeline. This man moves from the plate to Nina, then back to the plate with such shock and confusion. "What the f--- is this," he asks.

Don't forkget anything!
Not breaking pasta pirate character, Nina expertly lifts a few strands of spaghetti off the plate and guides it toward her face. She's laughing, but the show must go on, and go on it does.
Unfortunately the spaghetti never makes it to Nina's face, but don't confuse her laying the immense fork down as a sign of giving up. She's simply laughing too hard to hold it any longer. The whole table has joined in, and I've never wanted to be at a dinner more.
Far too many people in the comments focused on the spaghetti stain left on the tablecloth when Nina put the large fork down. I get it. It seems disrespectful to the wait staff to make an avoidable mess. Hopefully Nina and her dinner pals tipped big to offset this inconvenience.
Obviously everyone wanted to know where she got the fork, and Nina happily obliged. "It's from Amazon," she said in the comments section. I searched and found this one, but sadly didn't see what its intended use actually is. I think it's for grabbing things from the center of the table, instead of asking someone to pass an entire plate? Either way, I can't wait to get mine so I can try this prank and reach the center of my back when I need to scratch it.