Beauty Shop Customer Gets Parking Ticket While Getting Lashes, Blames Employee

Updated Nov. 21 2021, 9:23 a.m. ET

Our species is extremely diverse when it comes to race, religion, sizes, shapes, genders, sexual orientations, heck, and genetic predispositions when it comes to medical conditions. When it comes to personalities though, you basically lump people into one of two groups: those who take accountability for their actions and those who are always looking to place blame elsewhere.
While it might be initially appealing to "pass the buck" so to speak, we all know when we're deflecting or using another living thing or phenomenon as a punching bag as to why something happened to us, or we couldn't overcome a particular obstacle. Few people will ever blatantly admit that they refused to take initiative or should've worked harder to be more abreast of a situation.
Kind of like this customer who frequented a beauty parlor in Burbank, Calif. to get her eyelashes all done up by an artist who posts TikTok videos under the handle @lashedlaa.
The employee recorded her interaction with a customer who angrily stormed back into the beauty salon holding a parking ticket.

While the video doesn't show the woman's face, she can be seen rocking an Armani sweater, full done-up nails, a shiny ring, a Louis Vuitton bag, and a Mercedes Benz keyfob clipped to the purse.
The customer in question immediately starts blaming the employee for the parking ticket, to which they respond, "I'm sorry it's not my fault."
The customer insists that the lash artist is to blame, "You should've told me when I parked outside that it was the wrong date."
"You have to read the street signs," the lash artist tells the woman.
The customer says, "You're inconsiderate. You could have told me."
The beauty parlor employee then says, "Listen ma'am, I can't take care of your ticket."

The customer then places the parking ticket on the table before the employee and states, "Have fun paying that." Before she exits the store she steals several items, remarking that she's owed the products.
Tons of TikTok-ers commented on the criminal, disgusting, and entitled behavior of the customer. Several pointed out that she was wearing several luxury items.

"If you have enough money to buy a LV [Louis Vuitton] then she has enough money to pay for the ticket," @dinosaurs_minghao_jun quipped.
"If she’s wearing an Armani sweater with a LV handbag. Her nails and lashes done. She can afford it," @ilykassie said.
Others just couldn't believe that the woman believed the ticket wouldn't ultimately come to bite her in the butt. Parking tickets are addressed to specific license plates. Handing a piece of paper over to a beauty parlor employee doesn't suddenly absolve one of the responsibilities of paying for a parking ticket.

Others suggested that the employee place the ticket in the trash so that the customer gets hit with even higher fees.
What would you do if you were in this situation? Would you call the police on the customer for stealing items? Or would you record their temper tantrum like the lash artist did and then upload it to the internet for views?