These People Face-Swapped With Their Tattoos, and It's Horrifying

Updated July 14 2020, 5:19 p.m. ET
I learned something today, and that thing is that no matter how cool or realistic a tattoo face is, it will look absolutely crazy when put on an actual human's face. The people in these photos used a face-swapping app for evil. That is, they swapped faces with their own tattoos (or the tattoo of someone close to them). Add this to the list of things haunting your dreams at night.
Ready to take a deep dive into the Uncanny Valley? There's something so very terrifying about the tattoo face that got swapped onto a human face, but it also weirdly looks kind of natural? I hate it.
I cannot stop looking at the eyes of this one. On both faces. I just keep going back and forth and back and forth. There are so many different kinds of sorrow and distress in both of these faces, and the fact that they're in the wrong spots just adds to the dreaded feeling.
These faces aren't that dissimilar! Obviously, this guy's real face is older and...more human...than the face on his tattoo, but still, there's something so disturbing about this. Maybe it's the head tilt. I think it's definitely the head tilt.
OK both of these faces? Are serving looks! It might not be his tattoo, but he makes a gorgeous Frida Kahlo, I have to say.
Nope I hate it! I really want to see the actual tattoo, mostly so I don't have to stare at this picture anymore, but also to get a better picture of what's going on. Is there a baby? In the person's brain? What's going on with the eyes? How do they make them so dead looking?
This one has a real Picasso vibe going on. It's quite a spooky face to begin with, but I also think it's been warped by the face-swap app, which really just adds a whole new dimension of weirdness. I can't stop looking at it, though. Especially that third eye... His real face seems so normal and boring in comparison.
-Ah yes, of course we couldn't get through this list without a Joker face-swap. This one is a little too good for my taste. It's like he got the tattoo knowing he was going to face-swap with it. Very suspicious.
I have so many questions. First, is that a crying nun nurse? Did she set fire to that building in the background? Is that why she's crying? Also, where does she get her eyebrows done?
The Día de los Muertos sugar skull face is very cool, but for this one, I want to concentrate on this poor man's actual face. He looks like he's actually been trapped inside of a tattoo and doesn't know how to get out. I want to help him. He looks genuinely distressed to be stuck inside a tattoo, and I don't blame him.
This one is so confusing to me because her eyes and nose and lips got transferred, but her real teeth are still there! How?! Also why?! Also stop!