Family Pranks Son's Girlfriend With Pledge of Allegiance, Her Reaction Is Priceless

Updated June 27 2023, 6:12 p.m. ET

Let's be honest. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every school day in the U.S. was weird, right? Most American schools hang a U.S. flag in the corner of a classroom and start off every day with a PA announcement that included the strangely-worded, politically-charged oath to America right before general daily school updates. Some states even consider it controversial to not recite it in schools, even though U.S. current events so often contradict the pledge's lofty statements.
The official stance on the Pledge of Allegiance has shifted over several decades, but many of us grew up having to say it throughout our entire grade school careers. For better and for worse, the Pledge of Allegiance is a known tradition among Americans (with autocorrect even suggesting that the term be capitalized in this article), and some folks still adhere to it. At the very least, the Pledge of Allegiance made for the perfect family prank on a son's new girlfriend.
A family pranks their son's new girlfriend by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance right before dinner.
In a TikTok posted on June 7, 2023, some folks decided to introduce a new girlfriend to the family with a ridiculous prank.
"My brother brought his girlfriend over to have dinner for the first time," the caption states. The family then banded together to bring her into the fold with a group joke.
The video starts innocently enough, with the family and the new girlfriend already gathered at the dinner table waiting to chow down.
"You guys ready for dinner?" one person asks soon after, clearly giving the signal to the rest of the group who were in on the prank. As everyone nodded in agreement, everyone except the girlfriend gets up out of their seats.
The family then recites the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety, stone-faced and serious all the while. They even put their hands over their hearts. One person in the family turned their head away to hide their laughter as they continued playing along.
The girlfriend was understandably taken aback, nearly spitting out the drink she had sipped as she stood with the rest of them and said the words with everyone. For an added theatrical flair, the family even spun once in place before sitting back down, prompting the girlfriend to do the same.
Ever committed to the bit, they even resumed the evening as if nothing odd had happened. The girlfriend was stunned for a good while after. She waited for someone to laugh and let her know whether or not that was a joke. It was an odd thing for any family to do at the dinner table, but considering that one of the older gentlemen wore a chancy "I Stand for the Flag and I Kneel for the Cross" shirt, the girlfriend may not have deemed it too far-fetched.
Folks in the comments were reeling over her response.
"She looks like a keeper," one person wrote. "[She] even participated."
Most folks were shocked that she also participated in the spin.
"Great participant while simultaneously measuring the room for an escape route just in case," another user replied.
Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance is odd enough at a dinner table, but you might be surprised to learn that it has varying degrees of commonality even in schools.
As of 2022, according to The Hill, 47 out of the 50 states in America are legally required to have the Pledge of Allegiance recited in schools. In 1943, however, the Supreme Court ruled that in most states, individuals can't be forced by schools or the government to recite the Pledge.
Technically speaking, this girlfriend didn't have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the dinner table, but it could easily be argued that she wanted to make a good impression with a family who, for all intents and purposes, took the Pledge that seriously.