Woman Breaks Down Why $160K Annually Is Barely Enough for Her Family With Four Kids

Updated Jan. 17 2024, 11:02 a.m. ET
We're all feeling the economic struggle of the 2020s a little differently. Many of us are finding difficulty getting new jobs, affording basic necessities, being able to move, and figuring out how exactly we can realistically achieve our personal financial goals in these troubling times. No one's turmoil looks exactly like another's, but all of us are aware of how tough it is to maintain anything in this unspoken financial depression.
It's tough enough for singles or even couples, but imagine how difficult it must be for people to raise families in this economy.
Well, Maddie on TikTok (@mdncyr) doesn't have to imagine that. She and her husband have plenty of expenses to worry about when it comes to raising four children. Maddie even broke down what she spends in a month, and the details aren't pretty.
This mom-of-four spends thousands a month raising her family.
In a stitch with another TikToker who asks how people are affording to live right now, Maddie offers her own perspective on things. As a mother of four children, she and her husband quite literally spare no expense in trying to raise an entire family in Florida.
Maddie explains that she and her husband take in over $160,000 a year between her nursing job and her husband's "really good job." However, they're just barely able to make ends meet.
The mortgage they pay on their house is over $1,700 a month with insurance included. Maddie also has car payments on a large vehicle that she needs to accommodate her and her children.
She also spends plenty of money on utilities such as internet, gas, health insurance, and groceries. Said groceries can even add up to $200 to $300 a week.
"We live paycheck to paycheck," Maddie admitted in her video. She even revealed that they often have to budget just for eating out in a given week.
Naturally, their tight budget means that there's very little room for leisure spending. Maddie's family doesn't spend on any app subscriptions and simply sticks to the bare necessities.
She even compared her financial situation to that of her own parents when she was growing up. According to Maddie, her parents made a combined salary of approximately $100,000 a year. However, they "lived comfortably" and even went out for leisure spending and vacations without much concern.
That should teach you everything you ought to know about economic inflation. A combined salary that once allowed for disposable income comes nowhere close to supporting Maddie's family today.
Maddie didn't provide actual numbers, but it stands to reason that all these expenses combined would add up to a budgetary nightmare. In fact, most people in the comments had already heard everything they needed to hear when she mentioned that she was raising four kids.
Being able to afford anything right now is hard as it is, but a family with four kids must definitely have the whole "financial struggle" thing down pat.