Guy "Mansplains" Golf Swing to Woman, Doesn't Realize She's a Pro Golfer
"You know, I've been playing golf for 20 years."

Published Feb. 26 2024, 3:50 p.m. ET

As someone who has golfed more than once and as someone who has practiced at a driving range more than once, I’m confident in letting you know there’s more than one type of golf swing. In fact, there are like, a lot of golf swing variations.
As someone who is not a professional golfer or golf coach or parent of a budding golfer or guy that's just hitting balls really well at a driving range, I’m confident letting you know you should not tell people how to swing their club.

People go to driving ranges explicitly to practice. You’re not trying to get a good golf score when you’re not exactly golfing. There's no hole. There's no score. It’s a place to practice. It's a place to work on your swing. It's a place to try out new swings.
For some people, this does not matter. Though a place explicitly meant to work on your game exists, don’t ever think everyone understands how to stay in their own lane. That’s what PGA professional Georgia Ball helped illustrate in a recent TikTok.
In the 88-second clip, we see Georgia hit a ball quite well. It’s literally in the air, soaring over a hundred feet when a stranger chimes in with, “What you’re doing there, you shouldn’t be doing that.”
Rather than shutting him down, Georgia calmly and politely responds with, “OK!” before explaining she’s working on a swing change. He does not listen.
He informs her he’s been playing golf for 20 years. She once again attempts to explain she’s working on a swing change. He asks her to hit another ball. She does. He takes credit for the better hit. It’s the same hit. She again attempts to explain she’s working on a swing change. He again informs her he’s been playing golf for 20 years.

If you’ve never visited a driving range, you might not know you’re kinda trapped. It’s not a golf course, you’re not just going to be either ahead or behind this fellow golfer for 9 or 18 holes.
If he’s next to you, he’s there until one of you is finished hitting. It’s not exactly possible to completely ignore anyone’s advice, whether it’s appreciated or not. If you know this, Georgia's politeness makes a lot of sense.
In addition to posting the clip on TikTok, Georgia has also put it on Instagram. While the TikTok comments are mostly supportive of Georgia and dismissive of the unnamed man, my favorite is, “Me who knows nothing about golf: “She’s going through a SWING CHANGE SIR!!” from @saralane_.
Instagram is a bit more, um, not supportive?

“The problem is women don’t know how to talk to men in this kind of situation. He’s trying to help not be rude he clearly doesn’t understand what you were saying so break it down for him like he’s breaking it down for you,” writes @jacob_beltrame on Instagram, whose account is now private.
That comment alone has received 778 additional comments.

While Georgia, a professional golfer with sponsorships from PUMA Golf and hundreds of thousands of followers on social, clearly does not need any pointers at the driving range, some people do. Here’s a helpful way to know whether or not they’d like your advice. Did they ask you for any advice?
No, they didn’t? Stay quiet. That’s it. The internet exists. Anyone can look up the proper way to do anything. Unless you’re explicitly asked, stay quiet, even if you’ve been playing golf for 20 years.