How to Solve the Find the Flames Puzzle in 'Fortnite' – Plus a Look At What’s Inside

Published June 13 2023, 4:36 p.m. ET
A new season of Fortnite is upon us, ushering in tons of new weapons, locations, and Battle Pass rewards. But one of the strangest new additions for Chapter 4 Season 3 is a vault located deep in the jungle biome. It’s impossible to enter the vault without first solving a riddle – one that tasks you with “finding the flame,” although there’s nothing else to point you toward the solution.
There are a bunch of great items waiting on the other side of the vault door, so here’s a look at how to solve the find flames Fortnite puzzle.
How to solve the find flames 'Fortnite' puzzle.
In order to solve the find flames Fortnite puzzle, you’ll need to light a set of braziers to mimic the pattern found on another floor in the temple. The location might change slightly for each map, but you’re essentially going to head up a few floors and interact with each brazier so that it reflects the condition of those above it.
In other words, the lit braziers in the temple indicate the pattern of lit braziers you need by the vault. Light them correctly, and you’ll be granted access to the vault.
However, there’s another set of doors you need to unlock before you’re truly inside the find flames vault. This time around you’re given the hint to “seek statue,” which simply means you need to interact with one of the statues located to the left and right of the door.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a way to figure out which statue is the correct statue. Interacting with the correct one will open the door, while interacting with the wrong one will teleport you into the sky.
If you pick the wrong one, simply head back to the vault and interact with the other statue. This will open the door.
Another type of door you’ll encounter in this temple asks for you to “give item” before it opens. To solve this riddle, simply look at the color of smoke coming out of the door. This indicates the rarity of item the door requires. There’s nothing wrong with handing over an item of higher rarity — but hand it one that’s lower and it will refuse to unlock.
Reward for solving find flames 'Fortnite' puzzle.
Once you unlock all the doors, you’ll enter a room that’s loaded with treasure chests. Many of these are of the rare variety, which should provide you with tons of powerful loot and give you a better chance at scoring a Victory Royale.
Keep in mind that this location is often overrun with players, so you’ll need to be careful as you loot chests and stock up on weapons. But with some luck, you should be able to solve all these Season 3 puzzles and make your way to the inner sanctum of the temple.