10 Memes About the First Day of Spring (and the Impending Allergy Season)

Updated March 19 2022, 10:08 a.m. ET

Spring has finally (finally!) sprung! We don't know about you, but this past winter felt like the longest one ever on our end and we couldn't be more excited to finally see some sunshine and blooming flowers now that it's officially the first day of spring. Know what else we're excited about? Memes! So we put those two things together!
These first day of spring memes will make you laugh.
Unsurprisingly, there have been a lot of hilarious tweets and memes about celebrating the changing of the seasons. Read on for 10 of our faves.
1. Just because it's spring doesn't mean it's warm.
Sure, the calendar may say that spring has sprung, but the thermometer definitely says otherwise. There's something especially cruel about having to wear a winter coat when it's officially spring, right?
2. It almost feels like Mother Nature is playing a joke on us.
As if we weren't all already struggling through yet another six weeks of winter after Groundhog Day. Thanks a lot, Punxsutawney Phil!
3. That's no moon.

We all love to see the flowers start to bloom, but beautiful flowers also mean pollen. Oh spring, how could you do this to us?
4. But there's one thing that's even worse than pollen.

On the one hand, the snow is gone and you can finally enjoy the beautiful weather outside. On the other hand, you have a mosquito bite that you can't stop itching no matter how hard you try.
5. As soon as it's just a *tiny* bit warmer, though...

When it's 50 degrees in the fall, it's time to break out the scarves and coats. When it's 50 degrees in the spring, it's time for shorts and tank tops! This is the way.
6. Warmer weather means a change in habits.
Warmer weather = shorts and dresses, which for some, means that you might finally have to start shaving your legs again. Get ready to add several minutes back into your shower routine.
7. It also means it's time for some spring cleaning.

Not all spring cleaning tasks are created equally. We'd much rather be washing the windows than spending hours in the yard with this mess!
8. There's also this springtime "chore."

Is there anything more satisfying in the world? We seriously doubt it.
9. Allergy season is upon us.
One of the dark evils of spring is allergy season — when people struggle to breathe, see, and smell because of the influx of pollen. It's kind of the worst.
10. Make sure you have your allergy pill of choice handy!

As much as allergies are a pain to deal with (and they are!), you have to admit that the flowers and other plant life are very nice to see after so many months of snow, right?