Take a Walk Down Memory Lane With These Forgotten Celebrity Scandals

Updated July 10 2019, 5:28 p.m. ET

Look, being a celebrity comes with its own set of complications. But you can't blame us for getting a kick out of the scandals and controversies surrounding the rich and famous. It's a tradition as old as time! Famous people might be people, but they're also famous. And if you're famous, you have to be extra careful about the way you conduct yourself because your actions are constantly under a microscope.
There have been so many celebrity scandals, even just in recent history, that it can be hard to remember all the really juicy ones. That's where this Twitter thread comes in handy.
Twitter user @Hunty_dumpty posed the question and started us off with that one time Justin Bieber went to the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, where she had lived and hid before being carted off to a concentration camp during the Holocaust and said that he hoped "she would have been a belieber." This was way back in 2013 when stories of this magnitude would have remained in the news cycle for more than 30 seconds.
Kristen Stewart is so much more than her Twilight scandal days, and while we know that now, we should have known it back in the day, too. It maybe wasn't her best look to cheat on then-boyfriend (or studio-mandated relationship partner???) Robert Pattison with a married dude (Rupert Sanders, her director on Snow White and the Huntsman, a movie I am positive you also forgot). But Kristen Stewart has grown and changed and overcome, and now she's in Charlie's Angels, so it's all good.
In 2015, Caitlyn Jenner was involved in a fatal car crash that killed animal rights activist and actress Kim Howe. And with that accident, Caitlyn Jenner joined an unfortunate club full of celebrities who have accidentally killed people and had to live with the consequences. Other members of this group include Matthew Broderick, who killed two people when his car collided with theirs in Ireland in 1987, and Brandy Norwood, who was also responsible for a fatal car accident in Los Angeles in 2006.
Adele Dazeem! The greatest performer of a generation! I have probably watched that clip of John Travolta slipping and skipping over Idina Menzel's name and finally landing on the wildly wrong "Adele Dazeem" a million times. It's still unclear exactly what went wrong. Did he not have his glasses on? Did the teleprompter say something wrong, so he decided to improvise?
Maybe he knew the general cadence of her name but not the words itself? Whatever happened, it's a classic moment that will live on in infamy.
I totally forgot about this, and I am simultaneously horrified and thankful to be reminded of it. Not only is this cruel and unusual and something that should have disqualified Mitt Romney or any of his large adult sons from public life, but it also just straight-up doesn't make sense. If you put a dog who has diarrhea on the roof of your car for 12 hours, you are practically guaranteeing that your car will be covered in dog diarrhea.
If you didn't grow up watching Drake and Josh, this celebrity controversy doesn't likely mean that much to you, but believe me when I tell you it was a scandal. Drake Bell and Josh Peck seemed to be joined at the hip when they starred together on that Nickelodeon TV show. But after the show, their careers and lives went down different paths, and it became clear that they weren't close in real life. It happens, and it's really not that big a deal when you think about it, but it still seems unfathomable for some that Drake wasn't at Josh's wedding.
A few years before Jerry Seinfeld married his now-wife Jessica, he was a creepy nearly-40-year-old who dated a 17-year-old high school senior he met in a park one day. Her name was Shoshanna Lonstein, and at the time, he told People, "I'm not an idiot. Shoshanna is a person, not an age. She is extremely bright." I know. Gross.
But if you look at the parade of young, hot women who played Jerry's love interests on Seinfeld, you have to admit that it's really not that surprising.
Remember when people acknowledged that Mark Walhberg wasn't a fun-loving, goofy guy but a racist, violent criminal?! Yeah, neither do I because this story seemed to get swept under the rug so fast it almost seems like we imagined it. But we didn't! Mark Walhberg really committed a hate crime. I didn't know the part about him claiming that Boogie Nights was his biggest regret, though. That's truly the cherry on top of this awful story.
I don't know why it was such a big deal when Fergie peed her pants on stage. If I was her, I'd probably have done the same thing. Sometimes, when you gotta go, you gotta go. But it felt like such a huge scandal at the time! If we learned anything from the new Star Is Born adaptation with Bradley Cooper, it's that there are much more embarrassing ways to pee your pants on stage. I'm just glad we all forgave Fergie for this very minor blunder.
This is legitimately crazy. I can't believe he did that. I can't imagine the people around him thought it was a good idea to release a book detailing how you would have committed the murders you were just acquitted from, even though everyone knew you actually did do it. The O.J. Simpson trial is one of the first huge celebrity scandals I remember hearing about. To this day, it's just as fascinating and infuriating as it was in 1995.
Winona Ryder deserved better. I'm glad we all came to our senses and started embracing her again because she didn't deserve to be as completely vilified as she was for shoplifting. Again, this is one of those stories that wouldn't even last a week in today's news cycle, but there was clearly nothing else going on in 2002 when it occurred, so it became a huge deal. Sure, shoplifting is wrong. Don't do it! But I'm just glad Winona is back.
Ooh I remember this one well. I am the daughter of a high school English teacher, so I was raised with a healthy fear of what could happen to you if you plagiarize and a visceral negative reaction toward anyone who did it. When he plagiarized his apology for plagiarism, I just about lost it. I'm sure he thought it was some sort of statement, some kind of art performance, but it just made me extra angry.
There have been several celebrities throughout history who have become known for their rants on set, and Christian Bale is probably the most well-known. He completely lost his cool at a crew member for walking through the Terminator set and really made himself look like an idiot. But if I'm being honest, my favorite on-set explosion from a celebrity comes from David O. Russell on the I Heart Huckabees set. It's the best (read: worst) one.
I'm pretty sure I was watching this episode of Saturday Night Live and saw it happen, but I was so confused and wasn't sure what I saw in the moment. Lip syncing is one of those things that everyone knows happens regularly, but at least at the time this went down in 2004, no one wanted to admit. I feel like people are way more forgiving about it these days. We have bigger celebrity scandals to deal with.
I did not realize that this happened, and my jaw is agape. Older people really don't understand what equal marriage means, do they? In a follow-up tweet, Caspar provides Jeremy Irons' son Max's reaction to his dad's tone-deaf comments, and it's kind of reassuring. "I remember thinking, You don't know what you're talking about," Max said. "You're thinking through a problem out loud...As long as you don't harm anyone else, what you do and who you love are nobody's business."