"Haha, I Took the Name You Wanted!" — Woman Brags About Stealing Friend's Baby Name

Published Aug. 15 2023, 10:56 a.m. ET
Many parents and soon-to-be parents know that picking out their baby's name is a very personal and emotional decision. It's vital to choose a name that holds meaning to you and your partner — or you can just steal someone else's, like this one woman in the "Name Nerds" subreddit.
The original poster, who goes by the handle u/ImpossibleThanks3120, revealed that her so-called "friend" bragged about stealing the sentimental name she picked for her future baby.
Read on for more details. Plus, stick around to hear what the internet has to say.

This person bragged about stealing her friend's baby name.
The OP stated that since she's known this friend for over 10 years, she opened up to her about the name she picked out for her first-born son: Michael (the masculine version of her name, Michelle). Now, when the "friend" welcomed her third child, she stole the idea and named him Michael.
At first, the OP didn't think it was a big deal since they don't have kids yet. However, her friend soon messaged her and said, "Haha, I took the name you wanted for your kid!" OK, immature much?
"That rubbed me the wrong way. I'm named after a relative who passed before I was born, so the name has a lot of sentimental value," the OP wrote. She said she's "not all that pressed" about her friend naming her baby Michael but noted the message was unnecessary — and we couldn't agree more.
The OP added, "We've grown to be very different people with different values and about 200 miles between us ... I haven't felt the need to socialize with her for a while, but every time I remember this, I bristle."
"I wouldn't mind our kids having the same name," the OP continued, "but to rub it in like that? It rankles."
Redditors agree that the OP's friend sounds like a jerk.
The viral post racked in hundreds of comments, with fellow Redditors flocking to the comment section and claiming the OP's "friend" is not a true friend (seriously, why name your kid out of spite?!)
One person wrote, "The fact that you are so good-natured about the situation speaks volumes about your character, the fact that she would be so antagonistic in her message to you speaks volumes about hers. You are too decent to have jerks as friends, good riddance to her!"
"I hate to put it this way, but that woman sounds really unhinged," another Redditor said. "It's genuinely unfortunate that you had to experience this. My hope is that you still choose to use the name and raise a child with a high degree of emotional intelligence — something she can't exactly claim."
A third person pointed out, "LOL, the fact that for the rest of her life she will look at her kid and instantly be reminded of you is, I think, truly the best karma for such a horrible thing to do to a person. So congratulations to you for having your friend's kid named after you, you're marvelous!"
Many also offered suggestions, with some telling the OP to drop this friend. On the other hand, others urged the OP to respond to the message with indifference.
"I would just reply with an, 'OK?' Or an, 'And?' She's trying to get a rise out of you," someone commented. "I bet when you name your kid, she will go mad."
A few other Redditors argued that the OP should take a different route and thank the friend for naming her baby after her: "I'd go the opposite direction, 'OMG, I can't wait for our little Michaels to be BFFs! I love that you named your son after my family, that's so sweet.' That'll totally spoil her fun."