"Cars Don't Work 'Til Everyone's Buckled": Parents Reveal Funny Little Lies They Tell Their Kids

Published Sept. 19 2023, 3:40 p.m. ET
Many people would say they depended on their parents or guardians quite a bit as children. Older folks who took responsibility for raising you can have such a major influence on a your childhood that you come to trust and follow their every word, at least until you can think for yourself.
In the best-case scenario, you were able to rely on your parents as they taught you about the world during your most impressionable years.
Of course, at that age, kids can be convinced of just about anything if someone like a trusted parent tells them about it. To that end, parents might have to tell a little white lie or two to their kids. These lies can be generally harmless, but when kids have difficulty understanding the truth about something or even learning something new, a parent may have to just make something up to make it easier for the child to digest. Some parents have even spoken about their lies on TikTok. Let's take a look.

Parents share some of the funny lies they tell their kids.
Folks who are currently raising young children have been talking about the funny lies that they tell their kids after one mom shared her experience on TikTok. In mid-September 2023, Corrie (@c.maxxy) posted a stitch to another TikTok, in which another parent talked about their own little lies.
In the original video, the parent claims that parents can be the "most creative individuals" when it comes to lying to their kids. They even reference a story they heard in which a parent supposedly told their kids that ice cream trucks only play music when they're out of ice cream.
Corrie then felt prompted to talk about some of the lies that she tells her self-purported "smart-a-- toddler." Interestingly, they range from the benign to the bizarre.
For one, she explained to her son that sometimes, kids are on playgrounds after hours because they live on the playground. Another is that his grandma goes on vacation Monday through Friday, so they can only visit her on weekends. Another lie she tells her kid is that dirt will "rot his body," prompting him to wash up and clean constantly to practice good hygiene.
One of the more bizarre lies she tells her son is that Jeff Goldblum is the cause of anything bad that happens to the family. She would later explain that her son typically blamed her for these occurrences and labeled her as the bad guy, so she decided to off-load those complaints onto Jeff Goldblum after they watched Jurassic Park and the son grew to dislike his character.
Nevertheless, other parents have taken Corrie's example as they shared their own funny lies they tell their kids in the comments section.
One parent reportedly told their kids that they're "allergic to Chuck E Cheese," probably to avoid ever having to go to the oft-maligned entertainment food chain.
Another person claims to tell their kids that their snacks are too spicy to avoid having to share them with the children.
On the other hand, people also shared some of the lies that they were told by their parents which they only picked up on when they were older.
For instance, one person was told by their dad that it was illegal to own more than two dogs in their town. This was probably because the dad didn't want to be responsible for too many dogs at once.
Another person's mom told her that cotton candy was made of real hair so that she wouldn't want to eat it, but this was only because the mom didn't want to spend $11 on cotton candy.
One was also told by their parents that turning the lights on inside the car was illegal, something that this very writer learned was a lie as she was writing this.
And another person said their parents told them that "cars don't work unless everyone is buckled."
Parenting is all about building trust with kids, but there certainly isn't anything wrong with sprinkling a few white lies around with your kids as long as you're not hurting them.