Worlds Collide: Every 'Game of Thrones' Star Who Was Also in 'Harry Potter'

Updated May 8 2019, 1:52 p.m. ET

For some reason, any time a sprawling fantasy epic gets adapted for the screen, the cast is packed with mostly British actors. With a story like Harry Potter, which is in fact set in England, that makes complete sense. However, with a series like Game of Thrones, which takes place in a make-believe place created by an American author, it's definitely more of a choice than a mandate.
Nevertheless, since the UK film community is much smaller than Hollywood, you're bound to see some overlap between these two franchises. Here's every actor who has been to Hogwarts and Westeros.
1. Michelle Fairley

Michelle Fairley is well known for playing the role of Catelyn Stark, but she also had a brief appearance in the Harry Potter franchise as Hermione's mother. In Deathly Hallows Part 1, Hermione does a memory charm on her parents before hitting the road to find and destroy Voldemort's horcruxes.
2. Natalia Tena

Sadly, we've had to watch Natalia Tena die at the hands of super evil sadists in two beloved franchises. As wildling Osha, she was killed by Ramsay Bolton, while Tonks died at the Battle of Hogwarts at the hand of Bellatrix LaStrange.
3. David Bradley

Poor David Bradley is probably a lovely person in real life, but he tends to get cast as some particularly loathsome characters. In Game of Thrones, he played the absolutely contemptible Walder Frey. His role as the bitter Hogwarts caretaker Argus Filch, while slightly more sympathetic, isn't much more likable.
4. Jim Broadbent

Jim is one of England's most recognizable character actors, so you likely clocked him in both franchises. But in case you need a refresher, he played Professor Slughorn in the Harry Potter films, while in Game of Thrones he occupied the Citadel as Archmaester Ebrose.
5. Julian Glover

You can't be faulted for not recognizing the actor who played Game of Thrones Grand Maester Pycelle in Harry Potter. That's because the actor is the voice of Aragog, Hagrid's giant spider friend who lives in the Forbidden Forest. But come to think of it, they do seem the share the same furrowed brow, don't they?
6. Sally Mortemore

Sally has definitely had some fun with the wardrobe department for both epic franchises. She got quite the fancy hat when she played Hogwarts librarian Madame Irma Pince in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and got this jaunty little outfit when she briefly appeared as an unnamed Braavosi woman in S6E5 "The Door."
7. Bronson Webb

Bronson plays an unnamed Slytherin student in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and held a small but memorable role in the very first episode of Game of Thrones. He plays the member of the Night's Watch who survived the White Walkers in the opening of the show and is later put to death by Ned Stark as penalty for desertion.
8. Ian Whyte

At 7'1", Ian isn't quite as tall as the giant Wun Wun in Game of Thrones, but the British basketball player often plays giants on screen. He has also played the role of the Mountain an unnamed White Walker, a giant whyte and Dongo the Giant. While not credited for the role, he stood in for Madame Olympe Maxime, the half-giant headmistress at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, for her full body shots in Goblet of Fire. The actress who played Madame Maxine (pictured above) is Frances de la Tour, who is only 5'7".
9. Nicholas Blane

Nicholas here a blink-and-you'll-miss-it role in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as Bob, a man in the Arthur and Ron Weasley encounter in the Ministry of Magic elevator. He had a slightly larger three-episode arc on GOT as the Spice King of Qarth. Unfortunately, he met his end at the hands of Pyat Pree.
10. Freddie Stroma

Before landing a role on UnREAL, Freddie played the original Dickon Tarly on Game of Thrones. He was recast in Season 7 with Tom Hopper, which means Freddie was spared the death by Dracarys his replacement met. Before hitting Westeros, Freddie was a keeper on the Gryffindor quidditch team. He also took Hermione to the Slug Club Christmas party, much to Ron Weasley's ire.
11. Ralph Ineson

Ralph is best known for his role on the British version of The Office, but he also managed to find his way into two more iconic pieces of U.K. pop culture. On GOT he played Dagmer, an ironborn reaver loyal to House Greyjoy, and played an equally ruthless Death Eater named Amycus Carrow in the last three Harry Potter films.
12. Daniel Tuitte

Daniel played Walder Frey's son in Season 3 but was recast in Season 6, sparing him the fate of being killed by Arya, baked into a pie, and served to his own father for supper. Gross. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, he plays the far less meaty role of "Skinny Ministry Wizard," who is somewhere (probably) in that scene on the right.
13. Ciarán Hinds

Northern Irish actor Ciarn Hinds played Mance Rayder on Game of Thrones and played the recast role of Albus Dumbledore's estranged brother, Aberforth.