This Grandma Is Convinced a Car Chase in 'GTA V' Is Real-Life

Published Jan. 11 2024, 10:18 p.m. ET
As technology has advanced, video games have become more realistic than ever before. The increased graphics quality has led to some truly immersible experiences in gaming, leaving even the most well-versed players in awe of many of the latest titles. Games like Alan Wake 2 and Dead Space blew away gamers with the crisp and realistic settings, creating captivating (and sometimes horrifying) experiences for the players.
That said, most of us are still able to tell the difference between a video game and reality — except for this grandma, who was convinced by her grandson that the clip of GTA V he was playing on the screen was a real-life police chase being shown on the news. The exchange is both hilarious and heartwarming, even if the gamer is a little evil for tricking his grandma like this.
This grandma was convinced a car chase in 'GTA V' was from the news.
GTA V is more than a decade old now, and although developer Rockstar has continued to support it, its age is beginning to show. When the game was released in 2013, the graphics were astounding — but anyone who has seen the singular trailer for GTA VI knows that even better graphics and quality are coming soon.
Despite GTA V's age, that didn't stop TikTok user Gaven Johnson (@gavenjohnson_) from convincing his grandmother that a clip from the game was actually a car chase being shown on the news.
The video, which now has almost 23 million views, shows a back and forth between the GTA V clip and Gaven's grandmother's reaction.
"Crazy guy — oh is he stupid?" she exclaims as she watches the fictional car ram into a police cruiser. "Boy that guy needed to get stopped. Oh my god — he's still going!"
This continues for the whole two-minute video, with Gaven leaning further into the ruse, convincing her that the car chase it taking place in Utah.
"Those are the Utah mountains right there, see that?" he lies to his grandma.
"Yep, there they are. Going up near Ogden," she says, saying she used to live near the location of this fictional car chase.
Throughout the video, she only asks her grandson "Is this real?" once, to which he continues the bit, convincing her it's from the news.
"Oh that dumb idiot. He's banged up pretty good. He ought to get stopped," she comments.
The comments are filled with people laughing at her naivete (though in the most heartfelt way possible).
"I like how she never questions the camera work," one user comments, while another quotes her, "'I've lived there' the confidence in her voice."
"I'm convinced we'll never be this clueless but we'll see," another jokes.
"Does she think that there's just a camera following the car?" one commenter asks, with Gaven confirming "That's what I told her."
As the comments suggested, moments like this will be even more common once GTA VI finally comes out, if Rockstar's trailer holds up its many promises.
And our favorite comment on the video? This user's tale of showing his own grandmother GTA:
"Mine saw me playing GTA and asked me for the controller to play cause I told her Los Santos is a pretty accurate recreation of Los Angeles and she wanted a tour cause we've never been there. So I drove around the whole map and used Google Maps on my iPad to compare. She was happy and said it was a good game until I showed her the strip club."