Homophobe Refuses Knee Surgery for Mom Over Fear the Knee Will be "Gay"

Updated Nov. 5 2019, 3:10 p.m. ET

For all the incredible advancements in medicine over the past few decades, it's sadly apparent that doctors have not yet found a cure for ignorance. Case in point: the Facebook post this person shared from his mom's timeline to reddit.
In the screed, a friend of the poster's mother explains she has just refused knee replacement surgery on behalf of her ailing mother because the doctor wouldn't assure her the knee wouldn't be gay, lesbian or trans.
No, you didn't read that wrong, and I haven't mistyped. The anti-LGBT person in the below rant apparently thinks: a) knee replacements come from a donor; and b) an organ or tissue donation from an LGBT person will transmit their orientation or gender identity to the recipient.
"KarateKid1984" shared this post in two popular and very fitting subreddits: Choosing Beggars and Insane People of Facebook. With names blotted out to protect the innocent (and the guilty), they explained in the comments that the post is "very real" and comes from a woman in her 60s who is fairly new to Facebook and deeply religious. But, more to the point, she also seems deeply clueless
First off, she is clearly confused about the nature of her mother's proposed surgery. Joint replacements are not transplants of living tissue from a human or animal. They involve artificial joints made of metal and plastic. But even if a knee replacement involved receiving a joint from a human donor... hoo boy. This woman is confused about a bunch of things. Like... I had to make a list.

This is an artificial joint.
Now you may be saying to yourself, "there's no way this is real," but KarateKid is sticking to their guns that this is a genuine post from an actual human in the year 2019.
"If anyone is wondering, I was at my mother's this morning and she asked me to read this," they said in their explanation of the post's origin. "[My mom's] response was 'Why would someone post this?' — my mom's older and is really, really new to FB. As are most of her friends."

As for the woman ranting about "gay lesbian knees," it sounds like she isn't a close friend or relative. "Anyways, this lady is someone she knows through an organization that they both volunteer at. This lady (OP) is a completely devout Christian, lives her life by the bible, never wears pants (only skirts), etc. — it's a little out there but whatever, as long as she's not hurting anyone else, right?" Well, I'd argue that she's hurting her mother by refusing a surgery on her behalf over a very silly and unfounded concern.
At least not all of this woman's acquaintances is so ignorant. "Are you serious?" asked one. "Do you really think your mom's knee could be gay? Think about how stupid that sounds. You're suggesting that her mind and body will be attracted to men but her knee will get horny for women?" That's just as ridiculous as thinking having a knee (or kidney or liver or whatever) from a gay person will change your sexual orientation, TBH.

The reddit community had lots of questions — and lots of jokes. "What I want to know is this: Why did the doctor have tears in his eyes when he told this woman she would need a knee replacement?" Seriously, doctors deliver news far worse than this on the regular, so it's difficult to imagine one being moved to tears while informing an elderly woman that she needs a joint replacement. Unless they were tears of joy over all the money they stood to make, this just did not happen.
A few couldn't help but poke fun at OP's misspelling of the word "cane": "She's been using a Kain for two years. Before that, she was Able," said Thriftfunnel. Another rightfully asked "WTF is a gay lesbian?" Another asked how one even tells a knee's sexual orientation, to which EmotionalYak3 cleverly responded. "At least bisexual knees are easy to spot. They're double jointed so they go both ways." I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.

Mostly, people were appalled anyone would turn down a perfectly good organ just because the person it belonged to was gay. To point out how ridiculous that notion is, one commenter wrote sarcastically, "I get the concern though, because then you have a gay knee and a straight knee. And the straight one would want to go to work or enjoy church and the gay knee keeps redirecting you to nightclubs or morning yoga. Next thing you know, your gay knee enrolled you into an art class."
Lord help anyone in this family who may one day need an actual organ transplant to live.