Gen Z Is Divided: More Young Men Are Becoming Conservative, While Women More Left-Leaning
Gen-Z's rates of conservative leanings aren't just staying consistent with male averages, but that they are actually becoming more conservative.

Updated March 12 2024, 4:23 p.m. ET

Comedian Shane Gillis once quipped that when it comes to parents and their preferred news media outlets you want a mom who watches MSNBC and a dad who watches Fox News — the other way around and things are just all out of whack.
And it seems that Gen Z agrees with that sentiment, at least that's according to aggregated data collected by Gallup, which states that while are more "stable" in their ideological/political convictions, more and more women are skewing liberal.
The polling agency reports: "Gallup’s national figures on Americans’ political ideology show the country remains at center-right, with more people identifying as conservative (36%) than liberal (25%) and the rest saying they are moderate (36%). However, the 'liberal' percentage has inched up over the past three decades and is currently one percentage point shy of its all-time high."
"This has occurred as the 'moderate' group has shrunk, while the “conservative” percentage has varied narrowly around the long-term average, near 38%," the outlet continued.
Tortoise Media wrote that Gen-Z's rates of conservative leanings aren't just staying consistent with male averages, but that they are actually becoming more conservative.
The Financial Times published data, which was referenced by the aforementioned outlet which states that across the world it appears that the gap between men's and women's political ideologies is widening.
The TM article appears to argue that men's decision to stick to more conservative viewpoints are deeply rooted in people's desires to adhere to credos espoused by toxic male influencers such as Andrew Tate, or that they are sticking to specific social media communities that "foster extremism" or that that they resent the fact women can earn a living on their own.
The author of the article goes on to suggest that men not becoming more liberal is a reason for a "fall in birth and marriage rates," citing a post from an X user who said that their reasoning for not wanting to date anymore is because the politics of most men "suck."

Axios wrote that even though men are being subjected to "the same societal forces — early exposure to smartphones and social media and a toxic political culture," they ultimately "aren't budging" when it comes to their political views.
The Gallup poll data referenced earlier in this piece was also posted to Reddit's r/GenZ sub, with a post title that matter-of-factly states: "Gen Z girls are becoming more liberal while boys are becoming conservative," along with a screenshot of political-ideological divides in South Korea, the US, Germany, and the UK.

The disparity in South Korea is the most drastic according to the infographic posted on Reddit: more and more Gen Z men are embracing conservative philosophies in the country.
When it comes to women becoming more liberal, the UK leads the charge. Several users on the app responded to the posted infographic, writing that the reason why so many men are becoming increasingly conservative is due to them being told that they are, from birth, doomed to be pariahs who are innately culpable of oppressing others.
"It’s the toxic masculinity they force on males. A part of that ideology is to not have any empathy or compassion that comes with being liberal."

Another responded by stating: "It's telling boys they ARE toxic because they're men which is driving them down that path. Which will probably make them toxic. Progressive movements need to stop treating men like they are born toxic and they have to submit to being submissive wallets. Whether or not that is what progressives want, I doubt. But that is the message being delivered."
Someone else quipped that many liberal parts of the country are just as, if not more discriminatory than the parts of the country that they lampoon for being myopic and provincial-minded: "This same problem is rampant throughout the American left. My favorite example is when people from other parts of the country talk about the south. They get on reddit and spout some bs about how all southerners are lazy, racist, a------, drug addicts, etc. etc. and then get surprised when the south goes even further and further right. Like no s--- the south f------- hates liberalism."
What do you think? Are young men being pushed into idolizing men who espouse ideologies that are ultimately harmful because they are constantly being vilified for the miasma of being born with a y chromosome? Could this be a consequence of liberalism failing the country as some would argue?