All of the New Generation IX Pokémon in 'Scarlet' and 'Violet' Have Leaked

Published Nov. 11 2022, 2:34 p.m. ET

It's been an eventful couple of years for Pokémon fans, and developer GameFreak isn't done entertaining the next generation of trainers. In February 2022, the company announced another set of main series Pokémon games coming to the Switch very soon — Pokémon Violet and Pokémon Scarlet.
These two games are set to release for Nintendo Switch consoles in November 2022, bringing with them an entirely new generation of Pokémon — and most of the PokéDex has already leaked online.
GameFreak has teased multiple new Gen IX Pokémon.
Since the game's announcement, Pokémon and developer GameFreak have teased many of the new Gen IX Pokémon online. The first new Pokémon confirmed to be coming to the upcoming title as part of Generation IX are Sprigatito, a Grass-type cat Pokémon; Fuecoco, a Fire-type crocodile-inspired Pokémon; and Quaxly, the Water-type duck Pokémon who looks like it's wearing a toupee.

Paldean Wooper
Throughout these teases, there have been a handful of fan-favorites to emerge, including Lechonk, Smoliv, Paldean Wooper (or "Pooper," as its been dubbed by fans), Cyclizar, Fidough, Cetitan, and the "Terra Whale Pokémon" Certitan and Grafaiai.
The various trailers that have come out ahead of the game's release have also confirmed some other Pokémon that will be returning to the Paldea region, like Magnemite, Lucario, Drifloon, Combee, Meowth, Pikachu, Starly, Swablu, Cherubi, Psyduck, and Hoppip.
Some eagle-eyed fans have also noticed that there are some Hisuian forms that are featured in the announcement trailer — indicating that some of the Arceus versions will make their way into the game.
Though The Pokémon Company and Nintendo have tried valiantly to keep the details of the new PokéDex under wraps, most of the new Pokémon have already leaked online.
The 'Pokémon Scarlet' and 'Violet' leaked PokéDex — a look at all of the new Pokémon in Gen IX.
If you've been following the leaks online, then at the very least you've probably already seen the final evolutions of all of three starter Pokémon. The PokéDex entries for these creatures have been circulating around Twitter, showcasing their typing and titles.
While we can almost definitely say that not all of the Pokémon in the National Dex will be featured in the upcoming game (since Sword and Shield didn't allow Pokémon not in the Galar region to be transferred to the title), we have a look at all of the new Pokémon that will be introduced in the upcoming game.
Courtesy of @CentroLEAKS on Twitter, we can confirm that there will be 104 new Pokémon added to the PokéDex, bringing the National Dex up to 1010 Pokémon.
At this time, it does not seem as though the full PokéDex for the Paldea region has leaked yet, so we cannot confirm all of the returning Pokémon that will be featured in the game, but you can already check out many of the new Pokémon coming to the franchise on Twitter.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet will be available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on Nov. 18.