A Girl Broke up With Her Boyfriend Over a TikTok Comment, and the Internet Is Losing It

Published Nov. 17 2022, 8:11 p.m. ET

While most are familiar with people using social media apps to flirt — or full-on cheat on their partners with someone they met online — newer users are getting into trouble for other reasons.
More recently, TikTok users have faced backlash for what they say and even agree with on the platform. In November 2022, one TikToker almost lost his girlfriend after being messy on the internet.
Keep reading to see the drama unfold!
A girl posted on Reddit about dumping her boyfriend of two years for agreeing with a TikTok user's misogynistic comments.
While TikTok is the latest bright, shiny toy of social media apps, millions still use Reddit to vent their frustrations anonymously. On Wednesday, Nov. 16, one girl shared a lengthy post about breaking up with her boyfriend of two years over a TikTok comment.
The girl (let's call her Jane, to avoid confusion) claimed that one of her friends sent her a TikTok from another user she chose not to name. The TikTok was allegedly a video in which one guy shared his disgust that his girlfriend cheated on him in response to him cheating on her.
The TikToker said he was heartbroken by what she did and thought she should have tried "working to fix the relationship" instead. According to Jane, the TikToker "said it’s a woman’s duty to be nurturing and forgiving in a relationship and that women have to understand that certain men aren’t monogamous."
We could stop right there, but this story gets way more interesting. After watching the TikTok video, Jane and her friend shamed the content creators, calling them "out of touch." To Jane's surprise, though, she saw that her boyfriend of two years agreed with the TikToker, as he allegedly tagged two of his friends in the comments and wrote, "women."
To make matters worse, Jane said that her boyfriend agreed with another friend who commented that "females are so dramatic," which sent Jane over the edge. She wrote that she felt "sick" and "icky" and planned to break up with her boyfriend over his seemingly secret misogynistic views.
However, Jane later updated readers on why she might not leave her boyfriend after all.
Reddit commenters became invested in the girl’s TikTok drama.
Shortly after the original post, Jane returned to Reddit and shared an update about her relationship. She said she planned on breaking up with her boyfriend face-to-face and explaining how hurtful his comments were. But on her way to his house, her boyfriend’s mom called her with Thanksgiving side dish requests.
When she responded, Jane said his mom could hear her holding back tears over the phone. Finally, she broke down, told the mom the "bare minimum" of what happened with her boyfriend, and informed her they were breaking up. After some hesitation, Jane said his mom revealed why she might want to keep her boyfriend close.
Apparently, Jane's boyfriend was planning a surprise for her after she graduates in the form of a new apartment. And not just any apartment, a luxury apartment — "like the 3.5k a month kind." As if that didn't make Jane feel guilty enough, the mom also spilled that he planned to reveal the surprise just in time for Valentine’s Day.
While the mom dropped a major bombshell, she was still willing to support Jane's decision to confront her boyfriend over his comments, and even be there when she did it. However, Jane started to feel conflicted about going through with the breakup because of his kind gesture.
Jane shared that she would update Redditors once she left her boyfriend’s house. However, the update disappeared, and Jane has since deleted her account. Fortunately, another Reddit user saw the post before it was deleted and updated fans on what went down.
"Basically, [Jane's] boyfriend and his friends knew a girl in a relationship with a guy who was toxic and had these kinds of [misogynistic] beliefs," the Reddit user wrote. "They were attempting to get proof to show to the girl by gaining his trust. The guy was suspicious of them, so part of [the boyfriend's] plan included publicly making comments" (presumably to lure the toxic guy into commenting as well).
The user also said the boyfriend’s "good" albeit "naive" deed went horribly wrong when his friends commented on TikTok on his behalf.
"[Jane's] boyfriend had given his friends his password, and they were making comments on his account as part of this whole scheme," they continued, adding that there was proof that the scheme "had been going on for a month and a half."
"In the end, [Jane] still wanted to take a month or so break to heal from the whole incident with rules like no dating/intimacy with other people, no frequent texting, going to individual counseling, and then maybe couples counseling," they concluded.