Woman Plays ‘Call of Duty’ Bingo While Boyfriend Games, Turns It Into TikTok Series
"Does he know what you’re up to?"

Published Nov. 11 2024, 4:38 p.m. ET

If you've ever had the misfortune of sitting in the same room as someone who is very emotionally invested in an online match of Call of Duty, then you've probably noticed things can get really intense, and really vulgar, really fast.
However, a TikToker named Katie (@katiedaylida) has managed to turn watching her boyfriend play the game into a form of entertainment for herself.
After watching her boyfriend play it enough times to get used to the vernacular he employs whilst playing matches of the popular title, she's noticed a few trends.
One of them was his proclivity for particular phrases, which prompted her to make a bingo sheet of these sayings.
This has become a viral video series for the TikToker, with multiple parts that have garnered her tons of views on the social media application. Like this Pt.2 clip of a Bingo game that raked in over 5.6 million views.
At the onset of the video, Katie records herself sitting in the same room as her boyfriend. He's at a computer, a mouse and keyboard in front of him. He's playing Call of Duty with a dual monitor set up before him. A fat pair of headphones rests on top of his head.
She has some tools at her disposal so she can play her own game. It's a form of entertainment she developed as a sort of companion piece to his own game. A 5x5 grid titled COD Bingo PT. 2 is written on a notebook.
There are several selections written on the paper. And if he says any of the phrases or commits any of the actions penned on this grid, then she can mark them down. They are as follows:
- *makes weird noise*
- wtf
- I'm gonna LOSE it
- omg
- where??
- b----
- they're in our spawn
- dude
- he knows
- huhh
- he's cheating
- *sighs*
- f---
- I can't
- okay dude
- my teammate
- bruh
- okay....
- no way
- f--- you
- are you joking?!
- spider monkey
- Insults friend

Right from the gate, he says, "Dude, this UAV was in the air for 4 seconds," she says emphatically. She immediately goes to cross out the "dude" option. She watches him play, and something happens on screen or over his comm that makes him say, "okay..."
That's another box to x out for Katie. He appears to get in a skirmish, which seems to prompt him saying, "okay dude." And Katie now has 3 of her boxes checked. Next, while playing it sounds like he moans something, which counts as a "*weird noise*" Katie put down. So she checks that off as well.
As the game continues, Katie finds herself having some close calls, her boyfriend mentions seeing one player's avatar on the floor. He says, "Get up you're a grown a-- man," which causes her to pen an overlay that reads. "So are you??"

He gets killed again, which causes him to say, "they're in our spawn," twice. Katie then x's that option off on her Bingo card, which is soon followed by him saying "oh my god" — another one down on her sheet.
After dying several times while playing, he makes mention of his teammate, which then gets Katie another box to check off: "my teammate." Following this, he emits a long, tired sigh, which just so happens to be one of the TikToker's choices that she gets to check off.
While his character runs in the game, he seems to get headshot sniped out of nowhere. "What the f---?" he says, as his character collapses to the ground. His loss is Katie's gain, as she has yet another box to cross off of her list.

Now, if he says, "f--- you", as Katie points out in this point in the video, she will have herself a bingo. She waits patiently as he shouts, "no" before getting killed twice more. "Another UAV?" he says, looking up into the sky through his gun's scope, seeing a plane.
"I can't hit him," he says, which corresponds with another box Katie has on her grid. After playing for a bit longer, something occurs in the game that gets him saying, "Are you joking?" which is one of the TikToker's selections that she then goes to cross off.
He manages to get the drop on someone in the game, and his on-screen avatar can be seen killing them from behind. This causes him to say, "b----" so Katie fills that box out as well. It isn't long before he says the phrase "spider monkey" on screen, which was a suggestion given to Katie by another TikTok user.

She gives the user who recommended that phrase a shoutout before x'ing it on her list.
After dying again, he then lets out a frustrated "bruh..." which Katie proceeds to fill out. At this point in the video, she has several paths to bingo victory.
"Okay dude...where?" he says while playing, which was a box in the upper right hand corner of her bingo card. She marks it off, and is still so close to finishing her sheet, but still isn't there yet.
It doesn't take long before she gets a box she needs after he says, "Dude, I'm gonna lose it." Katie ticks off the "I'm gonna LOSE it" box, which prompts her to shout "bingo."
Her boyfriend turns around and looks at her, smiling, as the video comes to an end.