“He Stopped and Got Fast Food” — Woman Recounts Narcissist Ex’s Behavior While She Was in Labor
"May this type of love never find me."

Published Dec. 6 2024, 9:44 a.m. ET
Striving to become a highly followed social media influencer can be interpreted as professional narcissism. Various personalities on various different platforms are all saying "look at how great I am" and will often get angry whenever someone challenges the narrative they've set forth for themselves.
So it's only fitting that TikToker Chenise Sinclaire (@chenisesinclaire) would use a narcissist's playground in order to share what it's like giving birth with a partner who is a narcissist.
Some have argued that the term is one of the most overused words these days, and that it is often implemented as a blanket statement people apply to partners who disagree with their viewpoints.
However, in her 9-minute, 28-second TikTok video in which Chenise continually talks, she went on to list all of the warning signs of her ex's Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). She said that while she was out shopping with her ex, she started experiencing cramping in her stomach.
Although she wasn't feeling well, Chenise said that her ex immediately wrote her pain off as Braxton Hicks contractions. As they were returning home, Chenise began timing her contractions, noting that they were 30 minutes apart. Upon arriving home, her contractions continued in regular half-hour intervals and while they were bearable before she went to bed, they grew in intensity after she laid down.
The TikToker says that she was barely able to sleep throughout the night and after getting up out of bed, her contractions began to occur much more frequently with only one-minute intervals.
Chenise knew she was in labor, but at the time she had no idea how long it would take for her baby to finally arrive. It was the first time she was giving birth, and her minute-by-minute contractions lasted for 36 hours straight.
To put that into perspective, that's 60 contractions an hour, or roughly 2,160 contractions.
Prior to going to the hospital, she shared that while she was packing her baby bag and her partner's bag for their stay at the healthcare facility, he was conducting his normal morning routine.

Chenise says that she was "in agony" by this point. Upon learning that she was going to be in labor for quite some time, Chenise was informed she could stay at home and return once her contractions intensified. So, her ex elected to just drop her off there so he could go and "get [his] beard done at the barber."
To try and soothe her contractions, Chenise drew herself a bath, having to pause every 60 seconds due to the contractions that she was having. As she was doing this, she decided to call up her mother, who lived an hour and a half away. The TikToker said that her mom's concern was palpable. It seemed to her that Chenise was going to have her baby.
In the two hours that he was gone, Chenise said that she messaged and called her ex several times, but he wasn't responding to her. When he finally did arrive at the house and was ready to go to the hospital, he took his sweet time getting there. He even stopped at a fast food drive-thru and ordered himself a full meal.

To make matters worse, he then parked the vehicle in the eatery's parking lot and opted to consume his food there. After getting situated in her delivery room, she said that he was on his phone the entire time. He didn't bother to console her, touch her, or hold her hand and coach her through the process.
Instead, those duties were left up to the midwives, Chenise said. And when he did speak while in the delivery room, it was to criticize the chair was sitting in as being uncomfortable.
She needed to get an episiotomy in order to deliver her daughter and thankfully she soon welcomed a healthy baby.
Chenise went on to state that she ended up spending the first night in her hospital, alone, however. That's because her ex elected to go home, presumably to be more comfortable.
At this point, she questioned his decision to leave, but he countered saying that he was not going to be able to effectively help her the following day if he wasn't well rested.

At this point, she says that she "hated" him and wanted him out of her face. The first night, she says, was grueling. She had no family or friends to help her, and simply moving due to just giving birth, and having several stitches in her genitalia, flooded her body with pain.
And while dealing with all of that, the then-23-year-old new mother said she had to care for a newborn who was constantly waking up throughout the night.
Following the child's birth, she said her ex's true colors finally came out. She was, essentially, a married single mother and raising the child entirely by herself.
Numerous TikTokers who responded to her video stated that they were shocked she stayed with him following his abysmal reaction to her labor and delivery. Others wanted to know why she was with him in the first place and when she first noticed the "red flags" she rattled off in her video.

Sadly, according to one commenter who works as a midwife, this happens all too often. "As a midwife, I’ve watched this happen many many times over the years," they penned.
While the term narcissist is being tossed around a lot today, it certainly seems like Chenise's account of her ex's behavior more than warrants this moniker.