Gordon Ramsay Responds to Vegan TikTok Criticism by Eating a Burger

Updated April 8 2021, 4:15 p.m. ET

Gordon Ramsay's amassed a sizable following on TikTok and, unsurprisingly, pretty much all of his videos have to do with food. Whether it's critiquing people's dishes, offering up some delicious recipe ideas, or just glorifying and praising meals that he deigns worthy of respect, Chef Gordon Ramsay covers all things food on the social platform in a fun, casual manner.
Being a classically trained chef, Ramsay is also a huge proponent of eating animals and animal byproducts, and he's more than once beefed with Vegans online. The latest plant-based proponent that he's responded to is @ThatVeganTeacher, who may or may not dress like every art teacher out of central casting.
She took issue with the fact that Ramsay is promoting eating meat on his TikTok account.
So she decided to share her thoughts on that, in ukulele song form with a little ditty. Now, if you've watched some of Gordon's TikTok videos, you'll be very familiar with some of his more creative insults. Like the time he called a person a "donut" for seasoning a steak like so:

I can't tell if that's crystallized sugar or salt but yes, that does seem like a very donut thing to do.
@ThatVeganTeacher didn't seem so concerned with being called a donut, well, as long as Ramsay was willing to convert to Veganism. She sings in her TikTok: "Eating animals is wrong, Gordon Ramsay. Hurting animals is wrong, Gordon Ramsay. And if you call me a 'donut', that's fine, as long as your Vegan from now on."

Ramsay's response quickly became one of his most-watched TikTok videos ever. It features the chef sitting at a table and eating a piece of lettuce as @ThatVeganTeacher sings her song. He seems to consider the lyrics attentively as he munches on his greens, nodding his head.
But then, towards the very end of the video he spits out the lettuce, looks into the camera and calls the woman a "vegan donut" and grabs a huge burger from off-camera, and proceeds to chow down on it.
The clip's amassed over 10.9 million views and tons of TikTok-ers are loving his rejoinder to @ThatVeganTeacher, as people don't seem to be a big fan of the woman. In fact, there's a change.org petition to have the woman removed from the platform entirely.

The petition states, "The Creator is known as That Vegan Teacher and That Vegan Teacher _irl has violated multiple community guidelines in various videos, duets, and sounds. She is a former certificated educator however has no background in veterinary nor human medicine. She has made blatantly racist, bigoted, discriminatory statements against anyone who doesn't view veganism her way and her way alone."

The petition also states that she's said some pretty gnarly things to children and people with disabilities too: "Her statements have included telling a creator with a disability that they would be "better" if they were vegan. That is a dehumanizing and ablest statement. She told a child they were not going to Heaven because they were not Vegan."

Interestingly enough, many people who were vegan/vegetarian enjoyed Gordon Ramsay's clap back to @ThatVeganTeacher and think that it's wrong for her to attempt to "convert" people to her line of thinking.

While there were others who were upset that Ramsay would promote the "murdering" of animals and said that @ThatVeganTeacher shouldn't be belittled for sharing a viewpoint that's actually steeped in scientific fact and research and is ultimately a more ethical way to live one's life that's better for the planet overall.

In any event, it looks like Gordon's daughter, who's also on TikTok, inherited some trolling skills from her old man, because she commented that she's going Vegan now.

What do you think? Was @ThatVeganTeacher just trying to get more clout by directing the song to Gordon Ramsay and actually getting him to respond? Or do you believe that she's being a tad bit psycho/pushy with her vegan beliefs, telling children they're not going to heaven because they eat animals and that people with disabilities would "be better" if they were vegan?