The "Grab Some Eggs" Challenge Is One of the School Challenges Circulating on TikTok

Published Oct. 4 2021, 1:49 p.m. ET

Eggs have enjoyed a great deal of popularity on TikTok for quite some time now.
Take, for instance, the Egg Challenge, which called on competitive social media users to scour the house for a covering — such as a Tupperware or a plastic cup — before engaging in a heated game of who will smash their palm into the egg first. But is the Grab Some Eggs TikTok Challenge any similar? Why are some parents worried about the trend?
The Grab Some Eggs TikTok Challenge has already become a cause célèbre.
The Devious Lick Challenge, the Slap a Teacher (aka Slap a Staff Member) Challenge, and the Jab a Breast Challenge were just some of the challenges that started making the rounds on social media recently.
The Grab Some Eggs TikTok Challenge belongs to the same category as well. While September 2021 was supposed to be the month of vandalizing school bathrooms, April 2022 is the month designated for the Grab Some Eggs TikTok Challenge.
It is widely believed the challenge involves stealing, which is why it has already caused a great deal of furor.
It's unknown what the challenge entails. The Devious Lick Challenge, which called on people to nick soap and toilet paper from the school bathroom, was met with considerable scrutiny. If this new challenge is any similar, it's bound to yield similarly strong reactions on social media and beyond.
The list of school challenges started making the rounds on social media a while ago. As Distractify recently reported, every month has a theme, with challenges ranging from smacking a staff member (October 2021) to kissing your friend's girlfriend at school (November 2021).
December 2021 is dedicated to "decking the halls and showing your balls," January 2022 is the month of jabbing breasts, while February 2022 is all about messing up school signs. March 2022 calls on school pupils to cause mayhem in the courtyard or cafeteria. The list goes on up until July 2022 — leaving troublemakers plenty of time to carefully identify potential targets, finesse their pranks, and cause a ruckus.
Most of the challenges on the list involve petty theft, vandalism, and inappropriate behavior, such as unwanted physical contact. The list of challenges led many school officials to speak out.

"We value, honor, and respect our teachers and staff who give so much to our students on a daily basis," interim Superintendent Wayne Walters shared in a statement posted on the Pittsburgh Public Schools Facebook. "Additionally, we are still in a pandemic and waited several months to return safely to in-person learning. Therefore, our focus must be on accelerating student learning while creating systems to maintain the health and safety of students and staff so we can remain in school."
"It's so serious that everybody that I spoke to ... has just been extremely flabbergasted that it’s gotten to this level," Anna Fusco, the president of the Broward Teachers Union in Florida, told USA Today. "Our teachers do not sign up to go into work and have to look over their shoulder or be worried that they might get hit, slapped, kicked, punched in the head, face, back, or any part of their body."