The Grandfather Clock Trend on TikTok Comes From the New Season of 'Stranger Things'
Published June 7 2022, 11:45 a.m. ET

Users on TikTok are notorious for being able to make a trend out of basically anything, so it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that they're at it again. Using a sound that comes from the most recent season of Stranger Things, users on TikTok are pretending they hear a grandfather clock, and are reacting to what that means in the world of the show.
What does 'Stranger Things' have to do with the grandfather clock trend?
The grandfather clock trend involves shooting a video in which you hear the sound of a grandfather clock and are either terrified or delighted by what it means. In the world of Stranger Things, hearing the clock means that you're being hunted by Vecna, the main villain of this show's season. Ultimately, hearing the grandfather clock means that you're going to die, and in pretty gruesome fashion.

Most people who are using the sound have clearly seen the show's most recent season, and are making some sort of joke about what it means for them that Vecna is coming. One person joked in a video that every time they get a headache now, they're worried that Vecna is right around the corner (headaches are another sign that Vecna is hunting you). Others joked about being able to see clocks that weren't really there, which is what happens to characters in Stranger Things before they die.
Some people were very confused by the grandfather clock trend.
Although plenty of people still watch Stranger Things, those that haven't kept up with the show or never started it in the first place were pretty confused about what the trend was about.
TikTok can be a pretty isolated community, but in this case, you actually had to have some familiarity with the show in order to really understand what the trend was all about.
Thankfully, once you understand the trend, the videos are pretty easy to comprehend. You may never fully understand why people find them so amusing, but there are always parts of TikTok that are going to cater to interests that you might not share. If you don't care about Stranger Things, there are plenty of other videos out there for you to peruse and enjoy.
'Stranger Things' remains one of the most popular shows on Netflix.
Although it's no longer the total phenomenon that it was during its first few seasons, Stranger Things remains one of the biggest shows on Netflix. The show's fourth season premiered on Memorial Day weekend, and the final two episodes in the season will hit during the Fourth of July weekend.
Some TikTok users may be ready for the platform to move on from Stranger Things, but even after season 4 is over, there is still another season to come. Given how big of a deal this show remains, it seems likely that that season will also spawn some trends on platforms like TikTok that non-watchers will have to contend with.