First-Time Grandpa’s Struggle to Put Toddler Down for a Nap Has the Internet Cracking Up

Updated Jan. 18 2024, 11:31 a.m. ET
There's countless memes that call out how once strict parents, for some reason, melt into the palms of the hands of their own children: i.e. the "Grandparent Effect" which is often lampooned as being a double-standard, especially for folks who had to grow up in households that followed strict rules.
And there's some research that indicates these rule sets are indeed a very real phenomenon: it's been said that there are cases where grandparents have even more love for their grandkids than their own children. Maybe it's because they see the results their child-rearing has had on their own kid(s), and relish in the opportunity to do it again.
And as much as you love your grandkids, that doesn't mean you can't be out of practice once it comes down to changing diapers and putting the young ones down for bed, something that this Grandpa learned the hard way when he was caught on camera having a bit of a tough time putting his grandbaby down for a nap in a crib, and found himself going for a ride in the process.
A TikToker named Kelsea (@kelsea_bowersmith) uploaded an adorable interaction her father-in-law had with her child that happened to be captured on a camera in the baby's room, and other users on the platform are cracking up.
"1st time grandpa problems," a text overlay in the video reads over footage taken from an IR baby camera of a nursery. The black and white night vision footage shows the grandfather in question prepping a toddler's room for bedtime as the little kid stands patiently next to him.
He then lifts the kid up carefully in his arms and proceeds to gingerly lay them down into their crib, over the railing. Anyone who's ever babysat a kid before knows that just plopping them down into the bed probably isn't the best of ideas, so Gramps wanted to make sure he's being as careful as possible with the kid when lowering them onto the mattress.
Which means that he would have to minimize the amount of space between the bottom of his hands and the child's bed — all while extending his hips over the crib railing.

The Grandpa in question probably didn't account for the height of crib's rail as he soon found himself seesawing at his hips until he found himself vertical, plunging headfirst into his grandkids' bed.
It looks like a scene straight out of a physical comedy: his cell phone falls out of his pocket and then starts emitting a flashing light which, appropriately enough, looks like some sort of SOS call.
Space in the crib is limited and even though Grandpa is still topsy turvy, he still manages to fall as gracefully as he can, considering the circumstances and space restrictions, taking care to ensure he doesn't accidentally hit his grandkid in the face with a shin or kneecap.
After getting his bearings, the grandpa manages to free himself from the crib, but before leaving, he remembers to give the baby their bottle, and is sure to cover the kid with a blanket before exiting the room.
So how did Kelsea happen upon the camera footage? Well, it might have something to do with a personal item Grandpa couldn't seem to find: remember when his phone slid out of his pocket and onto the floor?
Probably because he was so flustered after the fall into the crib, he ended up leaving the kids' room not noticing he left it in there. As one commenter pointed out, that's not the only thing he seemed to be forgetful of: "Her shoes still being on"
Tons of viewers who saw the video found the entire situation hilarious, with specific details standing out to different people. For some, it was the gentle way that he managed to fall into the bed: "That fall took 5 business days," one quipped.
Another said: "The way it escalated so quickly yet so quietly"
Others thought that the kids' reaction throughout the entire situation was the funniest part of the clip: "Im wheezing your daughter was like lemme just not say anything cause he already going through it"
"'Well this is different' -the baby," another wrote.
"Your daughter just not phased at all by his antics"
And for others, they were genuinely impressed that Grandpa was able to keep the baby tired enough to go to sleep after falling inside of the crib and then getting himself out.