Hilarious McDonald’s Employee Crowned King of Customer Service After Drive-Thru TikTok

Published April 16 2022, 8:19 a.m. ET

We're not always going to be able to have our way, that's just a fact of life. And while it's easier to be more accepting that when it comes to our personal lives (or maybe not) there seems to be a sort of disconnect whenever we're dealing with a service, especially one that we're paying for or are willing to pay for, that gets us to think that we're entitled to what we want.
And in a way, an argument can be made that this is a perfectly acceptable mindset from some folks. Now that doesn't mean you go and take it out on an employee who has little or nothing to do with the fact that a particular product isn't available, or a specific service can't be provided at that time due to understaffing or some other kind of error.
But that doesn't mean we can't be disappointed, great customer service, however, leaves one feeling better about that small disappointment, i.e., turning a negative into a positive.
This is what happened in a TikTok uploaded by Kirsten Baker on the popular video-sharing platform.
In the clip, she records her reaction to the voice of an employee at an Australian McDonald's location's drive-thru intercom. Kirsten was in the car with someone else who was placing an order at the Mickey D's, and one of the items was some hotcakes.

Trouble is that hotcakes weren't being served at that time. Instead of just letting the customer know that they wouldn't be able to add hotcakes to the order, the employee instead delights in the apology, giving an over-the-top spiel that is equal parts charming and hilarious.

Seeing Kirsten's response to the way the employee handles the situation is hilarious. His exceeding apology and choice of words (he refers to Kirsten as the customer's "conspirator") when offering a lunchtime substitute has the folks in the car tickled pink. And then, to add even more absurdity to the situation, he tells them their total in pennies.

The hilarious TikTok has people calling for the man to get a raise or a promotion. And folks aren't just finding his interaction with the customers funny, it's also being used as an example by outlets as to what truly great customer service is.

MSN referenced the "human connection" as being the heart of a truly great customer service interaction. But there's also another powerful takeaway from the TikTok: it seemed like the employee at the drive-thru was having a great time.

Sure working at a fast-food drive-thru doesn't sound like a particularly glamorous job, but the way the individual on that mic handled the situation seemed like his personality and the way he conducted himself was "bigger" than what was being asked of him in his current role.

It seems that his enthusiasm and charm went a long way and in addition to making two customers smile and crack up, he also went viral on TikTok. Here's hoping some McDonald's higher-ups see this and inquire into who this individual is.