That Annoying Grubhub Commercial Has Become One of the First Big Memes of 2021

Updated Jan. 12 2021, 3:14 p.m. ET

If you watch live television, then chances are you've seen that Grubhub commercial — you know, the one featuring a montage of animated characters doing a "delivery dance" while eating various take-out food? Yeah, that one. Ever since the ad dropped in late 2020, it's received a torrent of negative reactions — mostly because the animation combined with the Bomba Estéreo song "Soy Yo" is annoying AF.
So it comes as little surprise that the ad has become one of the first big memes of 2021.
Between the over-the-top energy of the characters in the commercial and the unrealistic ways in which they're moving their bodies, the 30-second ad is incredibly cringey.
Also, who is that pumped about eating a salad? Or a chicken sandwich? No one, that's who.

If you haven't had the displeasure of experiencing the Grubhub ad for yourself, then feast your eyes on the hot mess that is "Delivery Dance." It currently has 25,000 likes and a whopping 104,000 dislikes on YouTube — which is likely why the comments have been turned off on the video.
People have hated the commercial so much, in fact, that a ton of edited versions have cropped up in an effort to improve upon the obnoxious abomination. Some have succeeded and some have, well, somehow managed to make it even worse.
Grubhub has turned its 'Delivery Dance' commercial into memes.
On Jan. 8, the food delivery service used its commercial to create a meme that was posted to Twitter.
The tweet reads, "When the delivery driver says, 'Enjoy your meal,' and you respond with, 'you too,'" alongside a screenshot of the little boy in the Grubhub commercial with his eyes practically popping out of his head. (We've all been there, right?)
Another meme features the salad lady and the burger guy from the Grubhub commercial — and it effectively illustrates how long people's healthy eating habits actually last when they're tied to a New Year's resolution.
A third meme shared by the official Grubhub Twitter account is actually a meme within a meme. "When Grubhub becomes the first meme of 2021 and our social media manager did not prepare for it," the Tweet reads. It once agains features the eyes-popping-out-kid — but this time, next to the "this is fine" dog sitting at a table with fire all around him.
Grubhub's memes have prompted some pretty hilarious reactions to the commercial.
Although people had been venting about their dislike of the ad via social media before Grubhub shared those memes, the delivery company's posts in early January seem to have prompted a renewed — and more widespread — disdain for the commercial.
Basically the "Delivery Dance" Grubhub commercial is so bad it became a meme in itself ... which is quite a feat, if you ask us. But hey — it has prompted a ton of people to talk about the food delivery company. So mission accomplished, right?