Woman Demands Boyfriend's Snapchat Password to See if He's Cheating, Claims It's a "Guaranteed" Way to Find Out

Updated May 4 2023, 9:06 a.m. ET

There are fewer things more gut-wrenching than discovering your significant other isn't treating your monogamous relationship so monogamously.
Almost as bad, and arguably in some instances even worse is thinking that your significant other is seeing other people on the sneak tip. So you start to do your best CIA operative impersonation that you can.
You start to stalk their social media pages and see if there are any potential culprits who like their pics and vice versa. Maybe you try to peep over their shoulders to see the photos in chat bubbles on messenger, or if they're getting an inordinate amount of Snapchat DM notifications popping up on their phone screen.
Or maybe you monitor other activity: like you've noticed they stopped syncing photos in your shared online album, or they've turned off their location, or they take a little longer than they used to respond to your texts.
All of these little bits of "evidence" can simmer and boil in your head until you finally decide to unload them on your S.O. until you confront them or ultimately get proof that they're cheating or they can convince you they're not.
However, a TikToker by the name of Kenzie Curran has uploaded a recent post where she claims to have a method that offers 100% clarification as to whether or not your boyfriend is cheating on you.
"I promise you, the way I found out, if you use this [method], you will find out if your boyfriend is cheating on you. 100%. It’s literally guaranteed."
"I called him at night, and I made sure he was home. This is very important because you have to make sure they’re doing something where they can like sit down, and like not have any distractions."
Kenzie said she also contacted her boyfriend's mother to make sure he was home before initiating a video call. When he did answer, she had a specific set of instructions for him to follow. He had to "prop [his] phone up against the pillow, scoot very far away from it, and put [his] hands in [his] lap."

She also said that she requested her former boyfriend's Snapchat password, who said he didn't know it and then she asked him to send a live feed of him checking his messages on video, which he refused to do so.

She said that he ultimately did confess to cheating on her because he "couldn't find a way out of it." She added in a text overlay: "If he is weird in any way, shape, or form about sending it, it probably means exactly what you think happened."
Some people thanked Kenzie for sharing her methodology, while others were a bit skeptical of her tactics.

Some joked that he probably lied about cheating or ultimately admitted to doing so so he wouldn't have to put up with Kenzie's incessant bizarre demands. Others thought that having a conversation or chalking everything up to trust and/or intuition was probably the best bet.