This Guy's Pretending to Be a Boyfriend for Women Who Keep Getting Unwanted DMs

Updated April 27 2019, 9:40 a.m. ET

When a man found out that women were using random, candid looking photos of men and passing them off as their boyfriends in order to thwart unwanted messages from strangers online, he sprung into action.
It's no secret that modern romance is a bit messed up. Boundaries are blurred thanks to the advent of social media and technology. The "temptation" to reach out to people in random and creepy ways is all too real.
Being trained in a world of instant gratification, even in terms of online dating services, can seriously warp one's idea of what's "ok" and "not ok" in terms of communicating online. Which brings us to the complicated topic of the unsolicited DM.
Now there have been times where people have DM'ed strangers out of the blue and it worked to everyone's benefit involved. There was that one woman on a college campus who randomly hit up Michael B. Jordan and the two of them had an impromptu selfie session.
Although my wife and I weren't exactly strangers before we started dating and then eventually tied the knot, I hit her up randomly on Facebook to "catch up" which was just a code word for, "I've been stalking your FB page and would love to take you out on a date."
But as is often the case, there are times when internet randos can't and won't take no for an answer, which leads to a lot of wasted time on the recipients behalf.
No one should be forced into a situation where they need to explain themselves to a stranger that they don't feel like talking to, and sometimes just blocking someone only makes matters worse. So what some women have discovered is that if they convince the rando that's messaging them that they have a boyfriend, the problem seems to just take care of itself.

That's where Trevor Norris comes in. When he heard that women were using these photos to ward off creeps, he decided to tweet out a variety of pictures that look like they were taken "in the moment." His poses, facial expressions, and even slightly out-of-focus and off-center photos all make it appear that whoever just sent this picture in response to the DM, sent it just now.

They were instantly a hit on Twitter, with people making specific requests, so Trevor uploaded additional albums, and even began replying with one-offs.
A few things became apparent after his constant uploads: the first, was that people were actually finding a legitimate use for them. Some women began screenshotting their Trevor-photo-replies to people who randomly hit them up online.

Some of the guys straight up just stopped responding to the messages, while others provided some other lame responses. If a woman doesn't respond then maybe, kinda, sorta just, you know, leave her alone?

The other thing that became apparent after Trevor's uploads is that people were ogling over how F.I.N.E. he is. Which I think helps to really dissuade any creeper who won't stop pestering people online.
Here's a guy who's all sorts of dreamy and he's jacked. I mean, what're you bringing to the table aside from being annoying, versus what Trevor's got?

Seeing this guy is someone's boyfriend has to play with a dude's head. You'll either step your game up so you've got something better offer the next person you ask out on a date (and hopefully learn your lesson from incessantly pestering people online in the process) or you slink away, defeated.

And while there were definitely more than a few instances where dudes weren't deterred by the photo at all, and maybe not in the future because Trevor's original tweet blew up, that doesn't mean the man was just content with the viral fame and new followers he received.

Trevor responded to his crazy viral tweet with some resources that women could use should they ever feel like they're unable to stop someone from harassing them online.

So the man just isn't a thirst trap white knighting it for the sake of likes. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's doing this as a side business for people who honestly use the photos to stop creeps harassing them.
What a time to be alive.