Boo! These Expensive Halloween Candy Prices Are Practically a Jump Scare

Published Sept. 1 2023, 2:38 p.m. ET
If you're anything like us, then you probably ended last year's Halloween by getting plans ready for this year's Halloween. With the start of September, we're already looking forward to October aka the spookiest season of the year where everyone celebrates Halloween in style. That means spooky-themed parties, movie marathons, and of course, lots and lots of candy for trick-or-treating.
That also means that folks who want to celebrate without actually having to go out at night for candy will be the ones giving it out to the children who are trick-or-treating. Stores will be stocking up on bags of mini-candies specifically for the Halloween season. Unfortunately, houses might find themselves low on candy supply in 2023. One person took to TikTok to complain about how Halloween candy is getting too dang expensive. Unfortunately, we're inclined to agree.
This woman is complaining that Halloween candy prices are getting too expensive.
Cam on TikTok (@softscorpio) took to TikTok to complain about the egregiously high prices on Halloween candy for 2023. They had taken pictures of their visit to their local Meijer store specifically to showcase how expensive Halloween candy has gotten.
"Halloween is not happening until the economy is f------ fixed," Cam boldly declares. And honestly, they're not wrong, considering the typical grab bag of Halloween candy was priced at $30.99 when they last visited.
According to Cam, bags like this cost only $15.99 last year. If that price point is to be believed, then Halloween candy has practically doubled in cost, which is just about one of the spookiest things we can imagine.
In a follow-up, Cam even took the time to respond to a comment imploring them to "find 30 bucks for the kids." They argue that while $30 might not be a big deal to some, it certainly is to them.
"I love Halloween [and] I love giving out handfuls of candy to these kids. But unfortunately, that's just not something that's realistic for my budget this year," Cam admitted.
Shockingly enough, Cam was sent an extra $30 so they could afford to purchase one bag of Halloween candy. They graciously accepted the offer and made another trip to Meijer, documented in another TikTok. While there, they took the time to show everyone that literally every variety bag there did indeed cost over $30.
Even though they were eventually able to afford the candy, people did share in Cam's sentiment that Halloween candy bags are getting too expensive.
One person wrote in the comments of Cam's original video, "It's been getting worse and worse these last few years, but thirty dollars for a big bag of cheap candy? Come on!"
Another person claimed, "it's [probably] the leftover candy from last year too."
Yet another TikTok user suggested heading to the dollar store instead of a big chain for their Halloween candy supply.
With the U.S. economy in worse shape than it has ever been, folks are trying to pinch pennies wherever they can. Between basic living expenses and being able to afford a house, there's only so much people can spend on other than what they've allotted in their individual budgets.
At this rate, if we're gonna spend $30 on a big bag of mini Halloween candies, we're just gonna eat it ourselves.