Is June Going to Die in Season 4 of 'The Handmaid's Tale'?

Updated April 26 2021, 10:42 a.m. ET

Spoiler warning! If you haven't watched the Season 3 finale of The Handmaid's Tale, definitely go do so before reading this.
Season 3 of The Handmaid's Tale has been leading up to the season finale, "Mayday." In the hospital, after watching a braindead Natalie being kept alive only so Gilead could take her baby and give it to the strangers who raped her, June promises her that she'll get the children out. And she really does, against all odds.
In order for the Marthas and the children to cross over from the forest to the airplane tarmac, June sacrifices herself and gets shot. She's last seen being carried away by a group of handmaids, and her eyes close after experiencing a vision of Hannah and Luke. Will June die in Season 4? Will June even make it to Season 4?
What will happen in Season 4 of The Handmaid's Tale? June has to survive the gunshot wound in order for the show to go on.
The Handmaid's Tale got renewed (praise be), so a Season 4 is definitely happening. While June didn't look so hot while she was being carried off by her friends, she most likely will survive the gunshot wound. Why? Because she needs to stay alive to rescue her daughter, Hannah. Even though June saved all those children, her number one goal has always been to be reunited with her daughter. Whether she makes it to Canada with Hannah is unclear, though. Will she sacrifice herself again in order to save her daughter? Will Luke put in a greater effort to get his wife the hell out of Dodge? We have SO MANY QUESTIONS for Season 4!

Will we see more of Serena Joy in Season 4?
The Waterfords are still in American custody in the season finale, although Serena is thisclose to being set free to live a life of her own in Canada, accompanied with possible visits with baby Nicole. But Fred shreds any possibility of a happy ending for Serena when he tells Mark Tuello that June's daughter was a product of rape that Serena and Serena alone orchestrated. Serena fights back, telling Mark that June and Nick were in a relationship, but it doesn't matter at that point. Serena forced both June and Nick to have sex in order for June to get pregnant. That's rape, and Serena is truly to blame. Mark arrests her, so now both Waterfords are in big trouble. But we have a feeling that won't be the last we see of them.

Some think that Commander Lawrence will be forced to remarry in Season 4.
Redditor XTeena9 theorizes that Commander Lawrence could marry June in order for the plot to keep going (remember, Lawrence is very instrumental in Mayday, and it would serve June to stay in his house).
"Could June marry Lawrence? Assuming the game is to stay and find Hannah, and stay protected while doing so...
But the question is - could they find a loophole to allow for such a union? Seeing that his wife died, and she might be pregnant with his child, even though handmaids are not worthy of being wives. Maybe he plays a grieving widower card and uses his influence, especially if she's pregnant?"
While it's unlikely that Lawrence could marry June (handmaids just do not get married, especially not to commanders — plus, it would be too easy!), he could be forced to get remarried to a woman who is a true believer. Kind of like how Nick is forced into marriage with Eden — although Lawrence is much older. Will Commander Lawrence (played by the fantastic Bradley Whitford) be back for Season 4? We sure hope so.

When will Season 4 of The Handmaid's Tale come back?
A Season 4 premiere date hasn't been announced, and it probably won't for awhile. It hasn't been reported that Season 4 has even started filming yet, and usually the cast takes a break in between seasons. We've seen no activity from the cast on social media so far, but you know we'll keep a close watch.