'Big Brother' Houseguests Don't Usually Get Into Physical Fights, but It Has Happened

Published Sept. 24 2021, 11:59 a.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 23 of Big Brother.
There's always drama on Big Brother, but this isn't Bad Girls Club. There aren't typically physical fights during the season and, for the most part, the houseguests try to remain respectful in that regard.
But when Kyland Young and Xavier Prather almost came to blows toward the end of Big Brother 23, it led some fans to wonder: Has there ever been a fight on Big Brother?
Sure, there have been arguments and even shouting matches. And you'd be hard-pressed to prove a player hasn't slammed a door or a cabinet at some point. But an actual physical fight is entirely different.
Plus, there aren't security guards right inside the Big Brother house, so if there was a fight, chances are, the contestants could get in a few blows before it's broken up.

But has there ever been a fight on 'Big Brother'?
The contestants on Big Brother are around each other 24/7. It would make sense for some of them to get sick of others and argue. But what about a physical fight? In Big Brother 14, houseguests Willie Hantz and Joe Arvin had a physical altercation after Willie's bad attitude about the rest of the players got to Joe.
When Joe called Willie a "p-ssy" in response to Willie using the same word to describe the rest of the players, Willie charged at him and roughly bumped his chest against Joe's. As a result, a producer's voice came over the speaker and instructed Willie to go to a back bedroom to separate them. There were even rumors about the fight being worse on the live feeds.
In Big Brother 8, Dick "Evel Dick" Donato poured iced tea on Jen Johnson's head. Then, when she tried to get a cigarette from him because he blew smoke in her face, she was burned with the lit end.
That physical altercation was a little different and didn't stem from a ton of pent-up anger, as was the case with Willie, but it was another moment in Big Brother history when things got seriously physical.
And when Season 4 houseguest Scott Weintraub threw chairs around the house in a fit of anger, he was expelled for scaring other players.
Former CBS chairman and CEO Les Moonves said at the time that "people were afraid for their safety." Even though he didn't physically hurt someone, Scott's actions were enough for producers to give him the boot.
What happens if someone fights on 'Big Brother'?
In Willie's case, he was removed from the game immediately. At the time, Big Brother executive producer Allison Grodner informed the other houseguests that violence is not allowed in the house and, as a result of Willie's outburst, he was sent home.
It goes without saying that if a houseguest fears for their life, they should be taken seriously.
And if someone were to physically put their hands on another houseguest, it usually results in an immediate eviction. That's probably why there have been so few Big Brother fights in the history of the show.
If a player were to get into a fight, they would throw away their entire game and their shot at winning any prize money. And no fist fight is worth that.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.