What's With Heather From 'My Big Fat Fabulous Life'? Whitney's BFF Is Making Things Awkward

Updated Feb. 8 2021, 3:39 p.m. ET

Fans of TLC's My Big Fat Fabulous Life know that Heather Sykes and Whitney Way Thore are BFFs. Longtime viewers are also well-aware of the fact that Heather and Whitney have had their fair share of guy-related drama. And unfortunately, it looks like the latest development in Heather's love life could mean trouble for her friendship with Whitney.
A sneak peek teaser for the Feb. 4 episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life shows Heather making out with a guy she just met — and Whitney is less than thrilled about it.
So here's what happened: Whitney decided to invite her "girls and gays" from Greensboro to her new home in Charlotte so they can all meet her new boyfriend, Chase Severino. (Whitney and Chase are currently engaged in real time.) "We could all use a little bit more fun and a lot less tension," Whitney says in the teaser. Meanwhile Chase confesses, "I really want to make a good impression on Whitney's friends. It's kind of nerve-wracking."

Fortunately, Chase is able to easily mingle with Whitney's friends. Everyone seems to be having a good time. The get-together is going great. That is, until Heather starts making out with Whitney's business partner, Ryan Andreas — right out in the open in front of everyone.
In the teaser, Whitney looks shocked when her business partner and Heather stared swapping spit; she even screams in surprise at the unexpected PDA. It's worth noting that Whitney had actually asked Ryan not to come to the party in the first place, but he crashed the event anyway. (Rude.)
Heather used to date Buddy, which caused a lot of drama.
Considering Heather and Whitney's complicated history when it comes to guys, it makes sense that Whitney would apprehensive about this particular match-up. Remember when Heather and Buddy dated? Yeah, that was a little awkward for Whitney in the beginning — considering they were both her best friends. Things got even more complicated, though, when Heather and Buddy broke up. Because it's not like a person's feelings for someone flip off like a light switch.
Following Heather and Buddy's split, Whitney and Buddy ended up kissing. Spoiler alert: Heather was definitely not happy when she learned her BFF made out with her ex. Heather was also upset when she found out Buddy was staying with Whitney.
Although that's all in the past now, there was clearly a ton of Buddy-related drama floating around between Whitney and Heather for a while. So it's completely understandable that Whitney would be discouraging a relationship between Ryan and Heather — considering all of the tension Buddy ended up causing between the two friends. Because who wants to have that nonsense repeat itself?
I guess fans will just have to tune in to see whether Heather and Ryan's kiss turns into something more — and how it will ultimately affect Heather's relationship with Whitney. My Big Fat Fabulous Life airs on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.