The Creator of The "Here Comes the Boy" TikTok Is Living Their Best Life Right Now

Published Aug. 18 2023, 12:05 p.m. ET

Achieving popularity on the internet is fickle, uncertain, and wildly unpredictable. While some try to become internet famous by purposefully creating content through TikTok trends, gaming streams, or online commentary on today's pressing topics, others might end up becoming popular completely by accident. A candid photo, a random grainy video, or even just a Tweet can be enough to propel you to online stardom and even long-lasting meme status. Just ask the creator of the "Here Comes the Boy" TikTok.
In late June 2021, TikToker June Banoon (@june_banoon) posted a video of themselves singing to their neighbor's cat. As of this writing, the video has over 45.4 million views with a staggering 9.9 million likes. Not only did this 14-second video prove that cats still have a hold over the internet during the TikTok era, but the video itself has since helped June live their best life. Here's what the "Here Comes the Boy" TikTok creator is up to right now.

What is the "Here Comes the Boy" creator up to right now?
Things have certainly changed for the better for June ever since they serenaded their neighbor's cat, known to many as Mashed Potatoes, with their song. The simple, non-assuming jingle took over the internet as people covered and remixed the improvised tune.
As for June themselves, they posted a heartwarming update in mid-August 2023 in which they talk about how this one video changed the course of their entire life.
Their TikTok account blow up in popularity and they currently have over 436.5 thousand followers and 20.2 million total likes across their videos. They've since become an influencer of sorts, sharing fashion tips, quilting progress, life updates, and even tarot card readings to some respectable viewership. In fact, Just has become so popular that they've even been recognized around the world, including in their current residency in South Korea.
"My TikTok account got big enough that people here in South Korea started recognizing me after I moved here," they revealed.
That subsequently led to so many different events. As June tells it, a woman from South Korea who recognized June immediately befriended the TikToker and pulled them from their "miserable" job at a private school to a new place of work in Seoul. While working this new job that they ended up loving, they met the love of their life and they're currently in a happy relationship.
June also revealed that the money they made by monetizing the TikTok helped them to settle down in South Korea "much more comfortably and much quicker" than they anticipated. As an aside, they even speak fluent Korean, though they've admitted that their fluency varies between conversational settings.
At the end of the video, June said that they'd be going home during the Holiday season and teased a possible reunion with Mashed Potatoes.
It's safe to say that June's life is in a much better place than they might have expected, all thanks to their love and appreciation of "The Boy."