There's Nothing Wrong With the New Hershey's Kiss Commercial — but We Just Don't Like Change

Updated Dec. 2 2020, 6:36 p.m. ET
Ah, the holidays. If there was ever a time for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation's iconic line, "It's Christmas and we're all in misery," it's now. Let's face facts: 2020 was a dumpster fire and this Christmas is going to reflect that sentiment. Those of us who are following CDC guidelines are probably not seeing the family and friends we typically see during the holiday season. Listening to "I'll Be Home for Christmas" hurts a little worse this year.
So, with so much change happening this holiday season, it seems people are a little extra sensitive about things changing that didn't have to change. Unfortunately for Hershey's, they didn't get that memo until it was too late. Hershey's debuted a new Kisses ad for 2020, and the controversial change was not one people took kindly too.
Hershey's changed their iconic Kisses commercial and accidentally stirred up controversy.
On its own, Hershey's new "Bells to Blossoms" ad is adorable. It starts out with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" played on bells as the Kisses themselves ring. Then a hand reaches in and the music changes to brass instruments as a father and daughter put the kisses on top of peanut butter cookies.
But, as one YouTube commenter succinctly put, "2020 was not the year to make the change." The original ad had been on the air since 1989 and simply featured the kisses playing the same song as bells, with one little red Kiss getting a solo, wiping his brow, and saying, "Phew" at the end.
To say that people did not take the change well would be an understatement. After the new commercial's airing, Hershey's was inundated with demands on social media for the commercial to be reverted to the original.
"Why did you ruin this precious commercial, that I wait all year for? Not EVERYTHING needs to be updated, some things should remain classic!" one person tweeted at Hershey's.
"Welp ... 2020 strikes again. Thanks for ruining my all-time favorite Christmas commercial. Christmas is officially canceled in my house. Don’t bother me, I’ll be sitting in a dark room crying uncontrollably into my Nestlé crunch bar," wrote another.
"Dear @Hersheys Was super excited to see the commercial that starts my Christmas ... only to see a hand come in, grab the kiss and then start a jazzy remix of the song. Do a new commercial don't screw with the ones you have run for years ... it is emotionally scarring," tweeted another fan of the original.
Don't worry, the original commercial is still going to air.
Well, it turns out that Hershey's heard all the complaints and has responded. In a statement to TODAY, the chocolate company explained that they had been airing the old commercial up until Nov. 23 of this year. However, upon hearing the backlash, they have elected to run both ads throughout the remainder of the holiday season. So the next time you see the "Bells to Blossoms" ad, don't freak out. You'll see the old ad again soon enough.