“Is This Real?” — Woman’s Hinge Date Has Meltdown after She Makes Fun of His Mullet

Published Nov. 27 2023, 8:27 a.m. ET

The dating world can feel like you're trudging through a cesspool. Dead-end conversations. Weirdos. Liars. Catfishes. Broke and aimless losers. And even if you do manage to meet someone who is cool, emotionally mature, and stable, you find out that they're married or already have a significant other.
And in the rare instances that you manage to meet up with someone who doesn't tick any of those aforementioned boxes, you just realize that...you're not meant to be. Maybe there's something about each other's personalities that just don't click. Or maybe the two of you just don't have the same sense of humor.
Which may have been the case with this woman's Hinge date who was recorded absolutely seething with rage after she made fun of his mullet. She recorded his passionate reaction to her follicular mockery which she then uploaded to TikTok which accrued over 10.2 million views on the popular social media platform.
Sofia Mills' (@sofiamillsmusic) video begins with a tall, thin man with a bleach-blonde mullet and a white cap covered in tattoos pointing his finger at her angrily. "F--- you," he says as he opens the front door of the house. The camera cuts to a woman sitting on the floor who laughs, a plate of food before her.
Perhaps the laughter is coming from a place of shock: maybe she is absolutely gobsmacked someone would be getting that worked up over a comment about their hair. Or maybe she's nervously laughing about the fact that there's a stranger in her home who is now, all of a sudden, angrily cursing her out.
"B---," the man utters again as he pokes his head out from behind the front door, the woman still laughing as she re-positions herself on the floor. Another person off-camera can be heard chuckling in the distance before the camera then pans over to her. "Oh my God," she says, "how did that happen?"
The camera then pans back to the woman who was eating, she's still guffawing until she looks into the camera lens and then performs a "cut it" motion across her neck before the video ultimately cuts out.
In a second video, the same man can be seen putting a "hex" on Sofia, who is seated on the floor, laughing at his gesticulations she says were attempts he made in order to conjure some type of occult activity to fall upon her.
The "hex," some users said, is one that ultimately worked, as Sofia uploaded yet another video about her interaction with "Mullet Man," whose actual name is Julian.
In fact, the two appeared on camera together in this clip where they explained (kind of) the circumstances of the evening that ultimately led to Julian's outburst. They explained that before the fateful video was recorded the two of them were engaging in a bit of increasingly escalating playful yet insulting banter.
Things got a little too heated, it seems, which is what culminated in Julian yelling at Sofia before he ultimately left for the evening. However, the two got on camera to say that they were going to continue to hang out, and Julian also said it wasn't cool for commenters for "body shame" Sofia and the other woman featured in the clip.
The clip, which is framed like an apology video, certainly seems to be a tongue in cheek play on internet drama, which suggests that the first TikTok they uploaded was one that was a joke...or was it?
Some folks thought that the clips, including the storytime/apology were all entirely meant in jest: "why are people not sensing the sarcasm in this video," one person wrote. While another questioned, "Uhhh is this real"

Others seems equally concerned if what they were watching was genuine or staged for clout: "pls i rlly cant tell if this is a skit or not"
But then there were others who certainly believed this could be the real deal based on their own misadventures in dating, like this person who penned: "When I was in my 20’s I poked fun at a dude for his shoes (he was wearing Toms) and he got so mad he walked home which was a 30 min DRIVE away"