Hinge Date Tries to Warn Other Men About Woman, Writes "Run" on Her Toilet Seat

Published Sept. 28 2023, 10:28 p.m. ET
Not all Hinge dates are something to write home about. Maybe you don't like their personality or maybe they don't look like their photos. It happens. Usually, you just take the L, move on, and really try to spice up your answers to Hinge prompts to weed out the weirdos.
But one guy seemingly couldn't get over how badly his date went and felt he had to do something. He wanted to warn future men about the woman he had just been on a date with, and he found a creative (but also really gross) way to get the message out. Is this a new version of boy math?

A guy from Hinge scrawled "Run" in lipstick over a date's toilet seat.
TikTok creator Luna Ray (@lunarayy_) took to the platform to share the aftermath of a Hinge date gone wrong. In her 10-second clip, she's seen on her knees scrubbing lipstick off the back of her toilet seat, the side that men typically lift up while taking a pee.
It's hard to make out exactly what was written on the seat, but the word "Run" can be seen. In the caption, Luna Ray said that "She's f------ her ex" was also written on the seat.
What's this cringe bathroom graffiti and who's responsible? Luna explains in the text of the video: "Kicked out a Hinge date within 15 minutes of meeting him because bad vibes and he asked to use the bathroom before leaving and used my lipstick to write all over the toilet seat."
In other words, some dude from Hinge used her bathroom before leaving so he could write future Hinge dates and/or any guys who visit her place a warning message, a way for him to signal them that she is just the worst. He used her lipstick to scribe these oh-so-important messages.
The comments were really barking after watching this video — and it seemed that men and women had vastly different takeaways from the clip.

"Dude was trynna warn the others," wrote one guy.
Another said: "Nah I trust bro if he said run."
A third comment read: "Yo this man is out here watching out for all of us."

But women didn't flock to the comments to salute this man and his vandalism. "The thought process he must’ve gone through to consider doing this," opined one woman.
A second said: "I think the saddest thing is he thought she wouldn’t clean her toilet between now and her next date."
In fact, many couldn't believe that he thought that this was his genius plan to warn other men. "The way he figured you wouldn’t lift the seat and left it for the next guy," wrote another.
But then people in the comment section started to get judgy.

"And this is why I don’t let people into my home, especially off the internet," said one person. Another wrote: "Nah hold on, cause what happened that made him feel like he had to do this."
Someone else wrote that there was definitely more to the story that Luna Ray wasn't telling.
While Luna never did tell us what went down in that 15 minutes, she did note in her caption that she tried to spare his feelings by telling him that she wasn't over her ex. Perhaps, that's why he was so butthurt.
All I know is that Luna Ray and Lipstick Toilet Seat Guy definitely weren't a perfect match and this definitely wasn't a one-that-got-away situation. The ship has sailed and sunk.