Here’s What “Hold My Milk” Means on TikTok

Published June 1 2021, 4:33 p.m. ET

You can always count on TikTok to keep you entertained with a new challenge or trend — there are new ones being added to the popular video-sharing app basically every minute of every day! That also means that unless you’re spending most of your life on the app (which, no judgment here if you are!), you sometimes need to look up the meaning behind something you saw trending there. Otherwise, you might miss out on the true meaning of “accountant” or be stuck wondering what the heck “muñañyo” means.
Which brings us to the latest TikTok phrase that has people scratching their heads: “Hold my milk.” Luckily, this one is pretty self-explanatory. Here’s what you need to know.
What’s the meaning of “Hold My Milk” on TikTok?
When someone says “hold my beer,” you know that whatever they do next is probably going to be both impressive and (probably) pretty ill-advised. We haven’t done the research, but we’re betting those three little words have led to more emergency room visits than most.
Happily, the #holdmymilk tag on TikTok seems to accompany only impressive stunts with none of the painful fails that are sure to make you cringe. The tag is associated with the Got Milk? advertising campaign. Depending on how old you are, you may remember seeing ads with your favorite celebs sporting milk mustaches.
That was all well and good for print media, but now we have TikTok! Forget stationary celebs with milk mustaches — we want to see them do cool stunts! Videos using the #holdmymilk tag feature people asking someone to hold their milk and then doing something impressive like a backflip or a cool bike stunt.
After their amazing trick, they come back to their glass or bottle of milk and take a drink, ostensibly implying that those acrobatic feats were in some way made possible by the dairy beverage.
It seems as though the vast majority of the videos using the #holdmymilk tag are sponsored by the @gotmilk TikTok account. This isn’t the first time the dairy-peddling account has tried to make a milk-related TikTok challenge go viral, either. Back in the fall of 2020, they tried to make the Got Milk Challenge a thing too.
The Got Milk Challenge was pretty similar to the Hold My Milk trend — participants were encouraged to pour a glass of milk and then do something amazing (while holding said glass of milk). Many of those videos resulted in glasses of spilled milk, which may be why the new version of the challenge involves asking someone else to hold the milk while the stunt is performed.
Anyway, if you like watching videos of impressive stunts (or you really like milk?), you might enjoy scrolling through the #holdmymilk tag on TikTok. Or maybe you’ll want to scroll through just to see all of the different places these TikTok athletes are apparently bringing glasses of milk. The pool? Why not! The skatepark? Obviously! At the very least, now you know what “hold my milk” means!