Woman Buys $3.99 Hollow Watermelon at Aldi: "What a Waste"

Published June 26 2023, 5:48 p.m. ET

One Aldi shopper on TikTok took to the platform to discuss a product she bought at the store that didn’t turn out how she expected. Perhaps we can all learn an important lesson about watermelon after hearing about this woman's one-in-a-melon experience.
In her video, the TikToker claimed she bought a watermelon that was filled entirely with liquid. How did this happen? The comments section weighed in.

A woman cut open a watermelon and found nothing but liquid.
Well, this isn't something you see every day!
A TikTok user named Frances (@mommakalin) shared a video on the platform discussing a watermelon she recently purchased from Aldi. In the copy, she wrote, "Aldi forgot the 'melon' in my watermelon."
She explained, "I went to cut open a watermelon and a lot of liquid came out.” She began pouring some of it into the sink to illustrate, claiming that she had never seen anything like this before.
“I don’t think there is any watermelon in there," she said, adding, "I was really looking forward to watermelon today."
But as she continued to open the top of the watermelon, she froze. "It’s completely hollow," she exclaimed. "And it looks fine on the outside."
Frances then picked up the watermelon and brought it closer to the camera. "Do you see that? There is nothing left in there," she said.
As she poured more watermelon down the sink drain, she said, "what a waste," then ended the video.
In the comment section, some folks weighed in on why her watermelon was like that. "Idk what everyone is saying but that looks spoiled to me," wrote one person.
Another wrote: "Former watermelon farmer here. That's called a puker, and it is rotten."
One comment just read: "Overripe ... a few more days and it would have exploded."

Another user suggested that Frances return it to the store for a refund and new melon.
However, it didn't seem like she was too keen on the idea. "Feels like a lot for $3.99," Frances wrote, followed by a laughing emoji.
The good thing is that Frances's video did seem to teach viewers an important lesson, though: Check your melons before you checkout!
"I'm going to start shaking the melons in store now to make sure there is no sloshing inside," read one comment, to which Frances replied, "Same."
But other viewers were disappointed with Frances for pouring her entire melon down the drain, claiming that the liquid could have been salvaged to make smoothies or other drinks.

She addressed this claim in a follow-up video, explaining that she was too afraid to drink it in case it gave her food poisoning.
She also offered additional details about her watermelon that weren't included in the first video.
"It did not smell bad," she confirmed, explaining that she didn't actually think the melon was rotten as others had inferred. Instead, she believed, "Something got in there and fermented it. Some kind of organism or something."
Welp, for now it remains a mystery! Fingers crossed that Frances's next watermelon is a solid winner!