"Always Trust Out of Order Signs" — Home Depot Employee Makes Horrifying Discovery in Out of Order Bathroom

Published Aug. 27 2023, 9:54 a.m. ET

Life can be pretty scary and pretty magical at the same time. There are tons of amazing facts about human beings and animals that seemingly defy logic. Did you know that you could inject kids going through puberty with growth hormone, to make them taller/bigger/more muscular than they would have with their regular old genetics...with little to no adverse side effects?
But there are some horrifying facts of nature as well: like how preying mantis' decapitate their mates right before they get to loving to up her chances of getting pregnant.
And whatever nasty growth was bubbling about the inside of a black slime featured in a horrifying TikTok uploaded by user @lvlone.1.
The TikToker begins the video walking towards the restroom door at a Home Depot. Two yellow caution signs are placed outside of the door, and they have to unlock an orange security gate in order to get to it in the first place.
Upon opening the gate, it looks like there is some type of strange, black goo on the bathroom floor. It looks like a scene ripped straight from Prometheus, as the goo bubbles.
A text overlay in the video reads: "if the Home Depot bathroom say it's out of order BELIEVE THA SHI"
Maybe someone took a massive, maggot-filled dump on the floor into the grate in the middle of the tile. Or maybe it's some type of alien species that's decided to Secret World of Alex Mack it, whatever it is, it looks gnarly.
There were other TikTokers who shared their own gnarly anecdotes pertaining to Home Depot bathrooms, like one user who said that no matter what, customers just never seemed to pay attention to signs asking them to stay out of certain areas.

"Bro when I work there we had gates to closed off bathrooms and people jump over it to still use the bathroom and the water was turned off"
And then there were people who just had jokes as to what the goo could've been, like one guy who referenced a popular Lego franchise: "The black goop from ninjago"
You can count yourself lucky if you've never come across this type of nasty discovery while walking into a bathroom, but it seems like there are folks who weren't as fortunate.

"one time i was using the bathroom at school and that happened stuff came out the drain started flowing smelt actually rancid"
But what exactly is that nasty stuff gurgling from the drain? And what was the bubbling anyway?
One person in the comments section of the video seemed to have an idea as to what it could've been: "Drain flies live as larvae in your drain then come out and turn into those tiny little flies you sometimes see flying around in the bathroom."
Someone else assumed that whatever was bubbling under the black goopy surface was a living thing as well: "When your shower babies hatch"
But is it possible something could honestly be born out of that scary-looking gunk?

Well, yes. In fact, this nastiness actually provides the perfect breeding ground for insects according to Nextgen Pest Solutions.
"Drain flies lay their eggs in the slime and gunk that accumulates in drains and other wet areas. Anywhere that holds water can be the drain fly breeding ground."
The business' web page copy continued: "Moist, slimy, decaying organic matter and gelatinous film that forms over the water, is ideal for drain flies to lay their eggs."
So how does one prevent this black slime from forming? While there are a number of chemical solutions, Mr. Rooter recommends natural ones that could be just as effective: like dumping an entire box of baking soda down the drain.

Sodium Bicarbonate has a ton of different applications, and there's a reason why it's been a household staple with so many different uses for so long: because it's pretty darn useful.
According to Mr. Rooter, here's what you do with baking soda to prevent slime build up: "Begin by pouring up to a whole box of baking soda down the drain, depending on the severity of the slime. Then pour in the vinegar, up to half a bottle. You should hear or see the fizzing. Let it react for about five minutes, then slowly pour the boiling water down the drain."