Brazilian Woman Recreates Influencer Photos to Prove How Silly They Are

Updated Sept. 24 2019, 9:29 a.m. ET
Renata Neia is a badass woman and a secretary from Colinas do Tocantins in Brazil. According to Bored Panda, she began posting photos of herself and tracking her progress as she tried to lose weight after giving birth. But that got to be boring, so she started spicing up the photos she was taking by recreating model and influencer shots. She started an Instagram account, and it took off because her photos are hilarious and perfect in every way.
Ah yes, that old side-of-the-pool, basking-in-the-sunshine shot. It's definitely something everyone would do even if there weren't any cameras around. What a natural pose!
Everyone has to wear a fancy leotard and kneel in a field of grass at some point in their life. It is the most glamorous pose a person can perform. I love Renata's expression in this one. She knows how silly this looks.
Most people cannot look cute while lying in a pool tube. It's not flattering. They're impossible to get into and out of without looking like a buffoon, and most people, when they're hanging out in them, look like a crumpled, folded up flower. It's just the truth.
There is not an influencer in the world who doesn't take a photo of themselves looking whimsical in front of the Eiffel Tower when they're in Paris. I think it's in the Influencer 101 handbook. Renata parodied this shot brilliantly in front of power lines in her home town.
Ah yes, the sexy squat. Renata nails every part of this photo, from the absolutely ridiculous pose to the tight-fitting jorts to the random ladder in the background that's there for literally no reason.
Duck face was one of those trends that I will never understand. I don't know why it became popular, but I can tell you why it fell out of fashion: Because no one looks good when they do it. Not even professional models. Sorry not sorry.
You don't quite realize how many influencers and models spend their time standing in various bushes and among foliage until you see these photos expertly made fun of by a woman like Renata. She's killing it here with the over-the-shoulder shot.
This is an extreme lewk if I ever saw one. The flower crown is epically silly, and Renata recreates it perfectly. Not going to lie... I like Renata's crown much better than the model's.
I love that Renata recreated this shot in her laundry room. That is the reality for almost every woman. If you're down to a white t-shirt and your last pair of underwear, it's definitely laundry day. And the addition of the teeny tiny stool is just brilliant.
Is this model holding snacks on a balcony in Paris? Because that honestly seems like a dream situation and I wish I could also do that. Renata isn't quite on a balcony in Paris, but she nails this model's disinterested look nonetheless.
Wowsers this photo is a doozy, and I cannot stop laughing at Renata's version of it. Hers perfectly parodies how crazy those shoes are, with their endless loops of tangled string. It probably took 10 people just to tie one of that model's shoes.
We have to talk about how ridiculous sunglasses have gotten over the last decade. They went from normal sized to way oversized, like the ones Renata makes fun of here. I mean, they really took up most of people's faces. Then, we overcorrected and made them so tiny they don't even cover our eyes anymore. There has to be a happy medium.
I don't even know what's going on in this photo. That's not how anyone holds a newspaper that they are trying to read. Newspaper also isn't a suitable substitute for clothing. This seems like a concept for a photo was taken a little too far.
Not going to lie... I really like that banana shirt. Especially the puffy sleeves. But I like Renata's version of the shirt even more because you can actually eat those bananas. It's like a candy necklace, only it's made of real, slowly rotting fruit.
We live in a world where there are many serious issues happening every single day, and here some people are, putting giant ferns on their head and taking pictures. I just don't know anymore.
I'm sorry. No one looks sexy while wearing flippers and a snorkel mask. You're not supposed to look sexy while engaging in fun, underwater activities! Focus on the fish, not your best bikini angle.
This "hardly a shirt" outfit is just simply hilarious. But that's not even the most confusing part of this whole thing. Why are her eyes closed and why is she posing like someone who's trying to look like a pigeon? I have so many questions.
Bags! Bags! You can never have too many bags. Bags as bags, and bags as clothes. Wear your bags. Be your bags. Hold your bags. Let your bags hold you. Who needs clothes when you have giant bags?
This is an iconic look. Honestly, Renata deserves to be an international star for her photos. They highlight the absurdity of these models' poses and effortlessly comment on unrealistic beauty standards that we have all unconsciously come to accept.
Not to mention, Renata looks totally beautiful and badass in her own right while doing that. She's a gem. I hope she never stops taking photos and that more people follow her incredible Instagram account.