Woman's Boyfriend Asks for Open Relationship, She Responds by Hooking up With His Brother

Published Aug. 17 2023, 6:29 p.m. ET
If the Barbie movie served to put anything on blast, it's the ridiculous double standards that women (typically cis-gendered women) are subject to on a regular basis. We could applaud America Ferrera's monologue all day, but in summation, her character in the movie does well to sum up the idea that the patriarchy forces women to adhere to all sorts of contradictory rules while men are exempt and subject to their own misguided echelons of masculinity. In the real world (as opposed to Barbieland), this is especially true when it comes to dating.
Men have all sorts of excuses for withholding emotional involvement with women. Instead of talking things over with their romantic partners, they would rather try to lay down some problematic loopholes and pretend they're setting boundaries.
A woman on Reddit decided to take advantage of one such loophole. After her boyfriend asked for an open relationship, she responded by hooking up with his brother in a revenge story that may just be too good to be true.

A woman admits to hooking up with her boyfriend's brother in an open relationship.
While the story presumably originated on the ever-popular "Am I the A------" (AITA) subreddit, it has since made the rounds on other similarly themed threads. While folks are dubious about the truth of the story, it sounds so deliciously savage that we can only hope it's true.
In the lengthy post, OP explains that her boyfriend of two years asked for an open relationship in the worst way possible. According to her, her boyfriend argued that men have an "innate desire" to sleep with as many women as possible and he wanted to do so while he was in "peak physical shape."
He even labeled his girlfriend "wife material" at the end of his argument. And according to OP, the arrangement only benefited him because OP doesn't do casual flings. He reportedly also said that he knew she wouldn't go out with other guys during this time because she's "sweet and loyal," so he was really in it just to mess around with seemingly no consequences without considering what OP thought at all.
We don't even know where to begin with the boyfriend's highly problematic behavior. Fortunately, OP did. In fact, she hatched a plan then and there to turn her boyfriend's rules against him. After she casually agreed to the open relationship, the boyfriend went on a Tinder date with a stranger. OP, on the other hand, took it to the next level. She reached out to her boyfriend's 19-year-old rugby-playing brother and hooked up with him.
After they each did their own thing, OP revealed the trick she played on her boyfriend. Reportedly, he had a "complete meltdown" and called her all sorts of names after the fact. She even had the same "peak physical shape" talking point ready to throw back in his face.
OP broke it off with the boyfriend shortly following this, but the BF wasn't done with his double standard arguments yet. According to her, he called OP "deeply f----- up and deranged," but still wanted to get back together with her.
Honestly, she should have dropped him after the "innate desire" nonsense.
Whether or not this revenge story actually took place, people on Reddit agree that the whole situation is "comedy gold."
"How could a guy ask a woman for an open relationship and then get mad when they actually date someone else?" one person commented. "I thought men were supposed to be logical."
Another person called the exchange "better than 50 Shades."
One person doubted that the story was real, but still praised the post for good writing.
"Uplifting [theme], well-written, good rhythm, and great ending. And [there's] this lingering feeling of [wishing] it were true."
Whether this story is true to life or just wish fulfillment revenge smut, we can all agree that men can be real pieces of work when it comes to open relationships. Any of us who have been wronged by the prospect could only hope to reach this level of purposefully petty.