Former World Cup Champion Hope Solo Has Been Arrested a Couple of Times
"She grabbed him by the head and she kept slamming him into the cement over and over again."

Published Sept. 4 2024, 6:24 p.m. ET

Netflix's popular Untold series is tackling a variety of stories in its fourth season. The third and final episode is centered on Hope Solo, the former goalkeeper for the U.S Women's National Soccer Team. Unfortunately there is little focus on Solo's accomplishments on the field, as this installment highlights her legal issues that occurred off it.
Despite Solo's many accomplishments, she appeared to have a self-destructive streak that landed her in handcuffs on more than one occasion. It should be noted that Solo had a troubled childhood. As the daughter of an alcoholic mother and absentee father, she certainly struggled growing up. Still it's always important to bear in mind that while trauma isn't a person's fault, it is their responsibility. With that in mind, let's take a look at Hope Solo's arrest record.

Hope Solo's arrest record starts with an assault charge.
In May 2015, ESPN did a deep dive into Solo's assault charges that stemmed from an incident in June 2014. The outlet gathered information from the 9-1-1 call made that night, police reports, as well as depositions and interviews with the victims. It all started at the home of Teresa Obert, Solo's half-sister. That night Solo had called her sister after allegedly getting into a fight with her husband, NFL player Jerramy Stevens.
Obert was at dinner when she spoke with Solo, and therefore wasn't surprised to see her sister parked in their driveway when she got home. Climbing into the vehicle with Solo, Obert saw that she was drinking a bottle of wine. "She was drunk," Obert said in her deposition. After Solo was convinced to go inside, Obert joined her sister in having a drink. She had about two glasses of wine and described herself as buzzed, but not drunk. "I knew everything that was happening," said Obert.
Solo's nephew said in his deposition that his aunt had a lot to drink that night, and was being cruel to him. When Obert's son defended himself verbally, the two began to trade insults back and forth. Obert's son said Solo lacked compassion and as such could never be a mother. She reportedly punched him in the face. After they briefly got her to calm down, Solo began hitting him repeatedly. "She grabbed him by the head and she kept slamming him into the cement over and over again," said Obert.
When police finally arrived, the deduced that Solo was the aggressor and placed her under arrest. She was charged with two counts of domestic violence in the fourth degree. While getting booked, police said Solo repeatedly screamed profanities at them while insulting the officers. Obert decided to speak to ESPN after Solo went on Good Morning America and blamed the situation on Obert's son, who was 6-foot-8, 270 pounds at the time. The case was later dismissed as Obert had zero interest in a trial.
Hope Solo got a DWI in 2022.
In March 2022, Solo was arrested and charged with a DWI in North Carolina after Winston-Salem Police found her asleep in her car while it was running, with her twin children in the backseat. The soccer star was in a Walmart parking lot and told police she was "taking a nap." Bodycam footage of the event show a confused Solo answering questions unintelligibly while her children cried from their carseats.
Solo insisted she hadn't been drinking though an officer informed her he could smell alcohol. She refused to hand over her identification despite the fact that an officer requested it multiple times. She was also asked to step out of the car and did not comply, which resulted in an officer pulling Solo from her vehicle. Her attitude continued after she was handcuffed and charged with a DWI, child abuse, and resisting arrest.
According to ESPN, Solo pled guilty to a DWI and received a "suspended sentence of 24 months and an active sentence of 30 days." In the four months since her arrest, Solo checked into a 30 day rehabilitation facility and which was credited toward her sentence. In a statement released to the press Solo said this was the "worst mistake of [her] life."